Saved (Two)

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Five hours of pure torture and screams of agony later, and Cas could barely keep his eyes open. He felt weak, drained, and just so damn tired. How much more of this could he possibly take?

"I'll be back in an hour," Markus promised, setting down the knife on the table that oozed with blood. He even had the audacity to look annoyed. As if this was all Castiel's fault in the first place, and he would've gladly flipped Markus off if he could still move his fingers, but it was hard for him to even breath at the moment, and he wondered for a brief moment if this what it was like.


Was he actually dying?

Green eyes flashed in his mind and he sighed, letting his eyes flutter shut. 

Maybe dying wouldn't be so bad.

Dean couldn't sleep after that. He pretended, for my sake, but I knew he was still awake. I knew he still felt pain from the way he'd flinch, but I pretended to be asleep anyway, because that's what he'd want. For me not to worry.

But with every gasp he let out, my heart broke along with it.

"Are you awake?" Dean asked after an hour had passed, and I peeked an eye open, finding his green eyes already staring into mine.

"Now I am, what's up?"

He hesitated. "I just...I need you to roll off of me. I sorta need to..." I titled my head in confusion until I saw his fangs peeking out from behind his lips. Oh.

"S-sorry," I scooted back, watching him rush over to the cooler that had the blood bags in it. I bit my lip. I guess now was as good as time as any... "I'm going to talk to Bobby." 

He stiffened. The sucking sounds coming to a pause for a second before he continued. 


He didn't answer.

"Dean, come on."

"What do you want me to say?" He shrugged, tossing the bag into the waste bin. "Sounds like you already made up your mind."

I raised a brow. "You're not...mad?"

"Oh, I'm livid."

"But...?" Because I was expecting a but here. There's no way Dean would be okay with me being off on my own. 

"But I know that you're right. Bobby is the one person we know that could help us." He frowned, staring out the window across the room. "I just wish I could come with you." And the longing in his voice hurt. Dean had been doing such a good job at pretending to be okay, that I had never realized just how much this was all affecting him.

Dean didn't just lose his humanity. He lost his friends and family too. 

"Maybe he won't hurt you," I started, already seeing him shake his head in response. "Dean, come on. It's you. Bobby would never-"

"Bobby had to put down his wife," he snapped, eyes flashing red and I instinctively flinched, not missing the pained look on Dean's face when he saw me do it. And it wasn't like I did it on purpose. I knew Dean would never hurt me. 

It was just the thing inside of him that I was afraid of. 

He averted his gaze. "Besides, if you can't handle the sight of me, how is he supposed to?"


 "Bobby doesn't need to be the one to put me do too. So can we just drop this?" I nodded, snapping my mouth shut. He sighed. "But this doesn't mean that you're going there alone."

My brows scrunched in confusion. "Who else would..." I sighed, cutting myself off mid sentence, because I already knew the answer. 

Dean forced a smile. "Yep. I'm sure you and Trevor will have a great time."


"This is stupid. I'll be fine," Trevor mumbled, sucking on his fifth blood bag of the evening. Trevor had been happy to call off his search, saying that he had ran into a couple of his old friends back when he was in Alistar's captivity, but when Dean told him about coming with me to a hunter's house...let's just say Trevor was just as excited about it as I was. 

"Shut up and drink, unless you want your head mounted on his wall," I warned, and Trevor rolled his eyes, mumbling sir yessir! before finishing the bag and tossing it out the window. I glared at him.

"What? They're recyclable...I think."

"Alright, look, we're gonna need a couple of ground rules if we want to live to see the next day, so listen up."

"Oh goody!"

"Don't mention Dean. Ever. Even if Bobby accidentally brings him up, pretend you didn't catch it. Because we don't want to accidentally give anything away. Secondly, if Bobby asks if you want a drink, get one, because it's a test. He does it with every guest that walks through that door and we need you to look as human as possible."

"How paranoid is this guy?"

"He's not paranoid. He's just..." I trailed off. ""

"Right. Is that all Mr. Drill Sergeant?"

"No. If he asks, you're a vampire hunter. Highly skilled. It'll be the perfect cover for why you know so much about them and why we're working together. However, on the off chance that he asks for more information, make up some sob story about losing your family to one and he'll believe you."

"Is that all?"

I bit my lip. "Um, depends...think you can fake your way through dinner?"

Trevor snorted. "I did used to be human, you know. I'm not completely helpless, Sammy boy."

So why did I still feel on edge? 

Because this would require even more lying, my inner voice replied and I sighed, glancing at the picture I had on the dashboard of me, Dean, and Bobby drinking on his front porch. Right. Lying to the man that I considered as a father. Who wouldn't be on edge? 

We made it to Bobby's place five minutes later, the junk yard looking even more cluttered than the last time I saw it and I was kind of worried about how Bobby was going to react. Would he be angry? Happy? Suspicious? After all, I rarely went to visit him. The guilt made it too hard for me. 

"Yo, you coming, Sam?" Trevor asked, tapping on the window and I forced a smile and nodded, getting out of the car with a sigh. I guess there was only one way to find out...

We walked up on the porch and I rang the doorbell, hand shaking and eye twitching. Was it bad that a part of me wished that he wasn't home?

"Relax, Sam. It'll be fine," Trevor tried to reassure me, but I snorted.

"Easy for you to say, you haven't been ignoring his calls." And before he could say anything else the door opened and I saw a familiar patch of gray hair and brown eyes.


"Uhm, hey, Bobby. Long time no see, aye?"

Saved (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now