Saved (One)

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"Markus, please! You don't have to do this!" Castiel begged, tugging against the restraints that held down his arms and legs to the metal table beneath him, but the other vampire just continued sharpening his knife, ignoring Castiel and smirking slightly as the sound made the other man cringe.

"You're sick, Castiel," The vampire spoke slowly, lifting up his knife and examining it in the dim lighting of the basement. "And this is the only way to fix you."

"What are you talking about?" He hissed, tugging harder in some vain hope that the shackles will magically disappear. Of course, they didn't though. They one seemed to get tighter and Cas had the sneaking suspicion that they were charmed.

Markus sighed and turned to him. "You're humanity, child, I'm talking about your humanity! It's killing you, can't you see that? The longer you hold onto it the more dangerous it becomes. You have to let it go."

"Please, Markus. I'll be good, I promise. Just let me go." Castiel begged, but he knew that no matter how much he screamed or how much he begged for forgiveness, Markus wouldn't stop until he gave into the darkness.

But he couldn't do it, even if Castiel wanted to he just...couldn't.

"You'll thank me later for this," Markus said with a sigh and then...he attacked.


"Dean! Wake up!" I shouted, shaking him as he screamed and thrashed in our bed. He was in hysterics, his body in autopilot as he struggled against me and yelled "Markus, please!" over and over again, and it wasn't until I had him pinned down when his green eyes snapped open and his body stilled under mine.


"It's okay, Dean. You're okay," I said softly and he sighed in relief, his head falling back down on the pillow with a small thump. My eyes trailed down to his bare chest, wincing as I saw red slash marks run across it. I wasn't even surprised to see him sweating through our sheets again, I only focused on the fact that Dean was okay now.

"S-shit, Sammy. I-I'm sorry," Dean stuttered out, green eyes tired and weak, but we both knew that none of this was his fault. No, it was his. Castiel's.

That coward. 

"Dammit, Dean. I told you we should've just kept driving. I don't mind sleeping in the car." I lied but, of course, Dean saw through it and he rolled his eyes in his typical Dean fashion and cut me off.

"Sam, stop. We were both tired and needed sleep. It's fine."

"But maybe Trevor could've-"

"He's out searching for Markus, Sammy. Trevor couldn't have done anything." He said softly and I sighed and slowly let go of his arms since I realized that I was still pinning him, choosing to lean down and lay my head on his chest instead of pulling away. And even though his heart didn't beat, I didn't need to hear a heartbeat to know that he was scared. Waking up to him screaming was proof enough.

And everytime he did, I kept replaying Trevor's words in my head:

If things keep going the way that they are and we can't find Castiel, soon they'll get worse.

Define worse, I had asked.

He sighed. Soon, he'll actually feel what Castiel is going through and then... he had trailed off from there, but we both knew what he meant.

Dean could die from this.

"It just scares me, Dean. To wake up and see you like this. I feel so useless," I whispered against his chest and he sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"You're not useless, Sammy. It helps to know that you're here. You keep me grounded," He reassured me, and I couldn't help but think how backwards this was. Shouldn't I be the one consoling him?

"Yeah, okay," I mumbled, because what else could I say? He shouldn't have to go through this because Castiel chose to leave, but he was and it freakin' sucked, cause it's not like we can just drop everything to find Cas. I still had to focus on trying to find a way to stop the apocalypse, and it was starting to become annoying more than anything because I'd rather help Dean than deal with this right now.

And it was selfish, I know, but true nonetheless.

However I had a plan. One that I knew for sure that Dean wouldn't like, but it was the only option we had left, because whenever I was stuck or whenever I needed help, there was always one hunter that helped get me out...

Bobby Singer.

Saved (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now