Saved (Seven)

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Saved (Seven)

"I have to feed him my what?" I asked incredulously, my green eyes wide as I stared at an unamused Meg.

She rolled her eyes. "I can't just feed him my blood, Dean. It won't do any good. He'll need more and I really don't have much to give." She said pointedly, referring to the fact that I had refused to let her drink from living humans on the drive over here. "Buuuut if he drinks his mate's blood, then he'll heal even faster and we can ask him what the hell is going on here."


"Look, you said you wanted to help Cas, right?" She asked me and I sighed but nodded slowly. "Then feed him. I promise you Dean, it'll make Cas feel better."

I sighed and glanced towards the sleeping vampire, noticing the faint scars and cuts along his body. It'll make Cas feel better... He was only in this mess because of me. Because I had been too stupid to realize that everytime I talked about Sam, it was hurting him a little each time. And even though I didn't want to do this. Even though I was afraid of what he might do to me if he gets a little too thirsty....

How could I not help him? After everything I've done to him...didn't he deserve this small act of kindness?

Yes. He did.

So I acted quickly, biting into my wrist before opening Cas's mouth with my other hand and letting my blood drip down into it, feeling Meg's eyes on me as I stared intently at his face.

"Come on, Cas...wake up," I murmured and a few minutes of silence passed before I heard a low groan exit his lips and saw his fingers start to twitch ever so slightly until eventually...

a pair of bright blue eyes were staring right at me.

"Hey, Cas," I said softly, almost cautiously even, because I don't know how I expected him to react. Would he push me away? Pull me towards him and declare his undying love?Luckily though, I didn't have to worry cause next thing I know, he's holding my wrist tight against his mouth and sucking on my blood, a low gasp escaping my lips as his eyes went from blue to black.


And I knew that this was wrong. God, the pleasure that was pooling in my stomach was so wrong. And I knew that Sam would want me to pull away, to tell Cas to stop. But the vampire side of me...the dark side of me, really loved it.

I loved feeling Cas's lips on my skin. I loved hearing him moan and feeling his tongue flicker against my wrist, and it terrified me.

Because why wasn't I pulling away? Why couldn't I pull away?

"Castiel, that's enough." Meg ordered, snapping us both out of our trances and he pulled away, blood trailing down his lips as he stared at her in shock.

"I-It's you..." he said quietly, his eyes blue again. " did you...?"

"Look, we can explain all of this later, but you need to tell us what happened, Cas," Meg said gently, giving his shoulder a light squeeze and my eyes narrowed at the action.

Why was she touching him?

I glared but immediately dropped it when Castiel made a noise of discomfort and shook his head. His eyes flickering wildly across the room. "I...." he sighed and met my eyes, an odd look in them.

"I don't know all the details but...but I know why Alistar let me go," he said softly, sucking in a deep breath, "he...he says that he's ready to attack."

"Attack?" Meg frowned, clearly not getting it but I did. I got it immediately...

"You mean..." He nodded in confirmation as I trailed off.

"He's putting his plan into motion... and he's been using me as a decoy," he whispered and my eyes widened. Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

We were in deep trouble now.


I gasped suddenly, clutching at my stomach and nearly falling off my bed if Trevor hadn't of zoomed out of his and caught me. I didn't know how long he had been up, but I didnt question it, especially since the pain felt like my head was about to crack open.

"Woah, woah, Sam, what's wrong? What is it?" He asked, grunting under my weight as I gasped in pain, and I wanted to answer him...I really did, but I couldn't, because suddenly I wasn't at Bobby's house anymore.

I was there...standing in streets, seeing people fall to the floor and blood paint the roads. Hearing vicious growls and screams of pain, seeing quick flashes of bright green eyes suddenly go black.

You can't avoid what's destined to be.... A voice rang into the air and then the scene changed and suddenly I was in a warehouse, Castiel crying on the ground while Dean stared at me with his pure black eyes.

The black eyes of a vampire.

"You always said I was a monster..." He said emotionlessly, nodding at someone over my shoulder and my eyes widened in horror as I saw Bobby brought forward, and I tried to move... I tried to do something but for some reason I couldn't. It was like my hands were tied down and I screamed and begged for Dean to not do it, to not hurt him, but he merely smirked at me.

"This is for you, Sammy. For us." And I cried out as I saw Dean flash forward and sink his teeth into Bobby's neck, tearing it open and splattering blood all over us.

"No! Dean! Stop!" I screamed and I could faintly hear Trevor trying to calm me down, Bobby's urgent voice in the background asking what was wrong until suddenly...



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