Chapter 6: No One Covered This in Middle School

Start from the beginning

"You morons are really trying to get under my skin, huh?" Bryce fumed, clearly pissed.

"Literally just standing here," Blake deadpanned.

Bryce continued lecturing them with things that didn't make sense after that. Ian shook his head and was about to head to the showers and ignore everyone for the rest of the day when he was stopped by a voice.

"He's been like that for days," Cameron disclosed, obviously talking about the blaring mad cow a few meters away from them. "You've been hanging out with him lately, any idea why he's acting a lot Brycer than normal?"

Ian squinted at the man and crossed his arms. "Who says I'm hanging out with that idiot?"

"He drove you home four days ago, Ian. Or do you have a twin we don't know about somewhere?"

His arms loosened and dropped down as he gulped, blinking twice. Thrice. Did he-? No he couldn't have. They were being discreet. Or at least Bryce was.

"He just owed me a favor. We're not friends."

Cameron stared for a couple of seconds before nodding. "Okay," then he began walking away.

"What?" sounded Ian's accusing voice, stopping Cameron.

The boy turned around and raised a brow at him. "What? I said okay."

"You don't believe me," Ian said.

"Do I look like I have trust issues to you?"

"Look I don't wanna argue with you, Cam. You're like my second favorite guy in here just-" Ian shrugged. "Just mind your business."

"Alright," Cameron finished before silently turning his heels. Ian frowned as he watched him walk away.

Quiet people can be really annoying.

"Hey! Stop slacking! Did I tell you to stop?"

"S-sorry I just needed to catch my- my breath," one of the younger students panted as he resurfaced the water. Ian watched as Bryce continued to grill the poor kid.

"No one'll allow you to stop in the middle of the competition to fucking breathe, dumbass. Or do I have to teach you the basics of swimming?"

"Is he serious?" Ian asked Emery who stood beside him. He shrugged in response. "I told you, he's been moody."

"I- I'm sorry," the student stammered.

"Stop talking and move!" Bryce ordered to which the boy quickly complied. He caught Blake climbing up the steel steps and scowled. "Blake, don't even get me started-"

"Oh fuck you my legs are dead I'm taking a break," he snapped and walked mindlessly to the showers.

Asher appeared from behind him, goggles hanging around his neck. "Bryce, I think you need to take it easy, you're scaring them."

"They're not children, Asher. Stop telling me how to do my job," Bryce countered with a fixed glare. "I'm trying to prepare you stupid dumbheads for a fucking competition but if you're not interested then you can leave for all I c-"

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