My face was a blank stare while I processed her words. Slowly, the corners of my mouth turned up into a shit-eating grin. She's letting me go!

With a squeal, I spun on my heel to face the door. Stumbling over my own legs, I started out on a sprint. My father was here!

Shoving open the maple double doors, I skidded to a stop. The two ways down the hallway looked exactly the same!

Trusting my nose, I took a large breath in. Many scents invaded my nostrils. Some of which including many other peoples' blood. Yet, there was one that really caught my attention.

It seemed to smell like a man's cologne mixed with the masculine smell of the woods.  It seemed familiar.

Then it hit me: that was my dad! He was getting very close very fast too. His homey scent traveled closer to me, urging me to do the same.

Just then, nervousness washed over me. What if he was disappointed in me for mating with Blaze? Or, what if he didn't like me? Maybe he wouldn't love me as much because I wasn't a child anymore.

The wolf inside me whimpered at the thought of our father not approving of us. Family isn't a thing that we werewolves take lightly. Family is forever and if you disappoint your family for any reason, it's like you've had one thousand pins stabbed into your still-beating heart.

Before I had time to rethink anything, I heard loud, deafening shouts coming from down the hall.

"No I will not 'stop' or 'slow down', you fool! I am your king and that is your princess and my daughter you are talking about!" a voice that must have been my father's came from down the right hall.

Even his voice calmed me. It was the most soothing, peaceful sound I had ever heard in my life. I had barely even met my father and I already knew I loved him more than anything in the world.

A large figure came barreling down the hall towards me, just then. When I say large, I mean large. My dad looked to be at least 6"5' tall. He had medium-long, thick hair that showed he constantly ran his fingers through with a smooth, shaved face.

"Lana," he breathed out, stopping in front of me.

Wasting no time, he wrapped his long arms around my shoulders. Pulling me into him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder.

His body shook with sobs as he buried his head in my hair. His continuous tears dripped onto my maroon v-neck t-shirt as I clung onto him as if my life depended on it. Some of my own tears even dripped onto his expensive, cotton suit. Even during the situation, I felt bad for soiling his suit.

"Oh, sweetie. I missed you so much, baby girl. I'm not sure if you remember that much about me, but I loved you so much. When you were taken, I got so scared and so mad; I should have been there to protect you," he cried as sobs racked through his body.

"There was nothing you could have done to stop it. I saw how they got me in and out of here. I can't believe they'd go to such lengths just to kidnap me..." I said, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

His body tensed and his stance went rigid.

"Lana, my child. Do you know why they took you?" my dad asked, pulling away to hold me by the shoulders and look me in the eye.

Looking into my dad's deep, hazel eyes, I knew I could trust him enough to tell him. He would never hurt me. Just like I could never hurt him; it was impossible.

Taking his hand, I sat down, pulling him with me. One we were sitting with our backs propped against the wall and our bottoms' on the cold, hard floor, I fiddled with my fingers. Sighing, I prepared myself to explain my disappearance.

"They told me I was born there. According to them, my parents had died in a rogue attack and I had no siblings. So, I was taken into custody of the pack. Oddly, I had never met the Alpha's son. That was until my sixteenth birthday. At the party, I met the Alpha, Blaze. It turned out that he was my mate. So, we married and mated. Blaze never told me how old he really was. Years went by and everything was fine. That was until he cheated on me with my so-called 'best friend', Katy. After a month of him cheating on me every night, I got fed up. So, I broke things off and divorced him. He kept trying to get me back. One day, I heard him talking to a woman. He was talking about a secret of his. I got curious, and decided to find out what he was hiding. So, I checked all of purchases and found out that he had purchased a lot from the Wizard & Witchcraft store So, I found out what he bought. The witch told me that he bought 'Make Us Mate' and handed me a folder. In the folder, I found my missing person flier. Blaze helped me get here. It turns out that there's a portal in the middle of the woods that my kidnappers used. While we were there, we were caught by rogues. They tortured us for six days. It turns out that Ricky found his mate, Samantha there. She was the Rogue leader's daughter. She helped us get out. The portal lead to my old room, explaining how my kidnappers got past the guards. Anyways, I hit my injured back on the coffee table, causing me to lose a lot of blood and pass out. That's the end of it." I said, out of breath and feeling like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.

To say my dad was livid was an understatement. His canines were extended to their long, sharp, full length and his eyes were a swirling, dark black. I could tell his wolf was trying to take control, but he did a good job at holding him back. I would be enraged too if my daughter went through what I did.

Putting my hand on his shoulder, I smiled up at him. His eyes clearing and his canines sinking back into his gums, he smiled sadly down at me.

I could tell I'd have no  problems getting along with him...


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