Thinking More

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Betty's POV
We've been home for a few days now...and I'm we're going to this little shed for..some couple time? His parents bought us a condo, well...they own it. It's a few hours away and it's tomorrow and I haven't asked my dad yet so I have too lie...I walked to him working and said "hey dad..." he smiled and kissed my hand saying "you okay?" I nodded and gulped "umm dad could I possibly stay in the human world? Just know? It's's better to observe the guy?" He sighed "I suppose why not?" I smiled and he did too saying "there are some blueberry muffins in the fridge if you want them?" I nodded and smiled and ran to my room to pack. When the next day came I left early but left a note for my dad. I grabbed two muffins and left. When I got to his house I saw Jughead loading the car and I smiled, this past day was thanksgiving but I'm still too new to celebrate with Jughead so I helped my dad out with some cases and just made sure Jughead was happy. As Jughead and I loaded up I suddenly saw him nowhere "Jug?" I called out suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind I gasped and saw Jughead he smirked and said "sorry if I scared you" I rolled my eyes and he kissed my cheek and I smiled and kissed him suddenly his parents saw us and they were smirking, we quickly got off of each other and they said "so you guys all packed?" We nodded and they sighed and hugged Jughead and me? I then asked "why hug me? I'm not family?" They smiled and said "you've been taking care of our boy when we can't...we're just thankful he has someone like you." I smiled as Jughead rubbed my lower back, I looked back at both of them saying "well...your welcome, I like your son a lot, he...he's the only guy in the world...who I've really had feelings for." They smiled and I said "ready?" He nodded "we will be back Sunday night!" They nodded and we got inside the car and began driving. After a while it was midday and we got to the little place and I smiled "this must've been expensive..." he shook his head and I sighed and we went inside, it felt nice and warm. It was near a beach, we were pretty far, and it was beautiful...we had a slide door from our bedroom to go outside. "I feel like a princess!" I jumped on the bed while kicking my legs he then grabbed me and lifted me up to sit up, I smiled and he kissed me and laid down next to me, "so...since it's night, what do you wanna do here?" He sighed "how about we play...some video games." I rose my eyebrows and he chuckled "I'm kidding, about you help me with my writing? I'm having writers block and whenever I'm with you...I feel...more expressive." I nodded and we got up from the bed, I had to change into some shorts and a tanktop cause I was burning up, Jughead put the heater on a lower setting and sat with me on the couch in the living room. Behind was a counter and the kitchen so I said "how about we sit there so I can make us some pasta?" He nodded "I'm starving." I smiled and we got up and moved, he turned the T.V on for a little " about...a...biography, about your life?" I suggested and he smiled "that's not a bad idea." I smiled and grabbed the pasta and sauce that was already in these cupboards thanks to Mr and Mrs Jones. I began cooking as he said "well...the first few chapter will be really sad..." I smiled saying "it's okay to show emotion's not bad either." He nodded and I stirred the tomato sauce that was heating up, I waited for the noodles to become softer so I'm stirring both carefully. As I waited for both to cool I went up to him seeing five pages done. " got some fast fingers." He chuckled lightly and continued typing "I like you when your happy like this, not saying I don't always! I just...prefer you to be happy over anything else but if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here." He smiled and kissed me saying "thank you, I'm happy you care." I smiled and he continued typing. After we ate we were relaxing on the couch, watching a movie and eating popcorn. "This has got to be a close second for the trip to New York." He smiled and said "I'm afraid...I'm afraid I didn't get in" I scoffed "you for sure did! Now stop thinking about it and let's just have fun and relax!" I smiled and got up and said "chase me!" I then zoomed off and he chuckled and got up and we ran around the house. When we were in bed I came inside and saw him and said "so...whatcha reading?" He sighed and I came into bed and he set his book down and stared at me "your possibly...the most amazing thing to happen to me..." I smiled and kissed him he smiled saying "Catcher in the Rye, now let's go to bed." I nodded and we laid down and he held me as we started to doze off.

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