Chapter 5 Quints Gem

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Both boys just kept looking at me in awe. I gave them an unamused look and continued to pet Razor as he gave out a growl like purr. "Look who finally decided to show up." I said with a frown on my face. It hurt that Jack didn't notice that I was gone. And I was gonna make sure that he knew that.

Quint's POV

Jack touched my shoulder turned me around and said "Bud, this place is spooky quiet. Let's blow this joint, head to the treehouse for video game time." I just shook my head and said "Impossible. My research is here." Jack just gave me a smirk and said in a sing-song voice "Quint! I've perfected my own neon summit-drip slushie formula." I raised an eyebrow interested. "Extra sugar, triple caffeine, guaranteed eye-spinning gamer rush." Jack said spinning his eyes for effect. 

I finally gave in and said, "I'll gather my things." While putting down my papers, and started to pack. But as we were packing a thought came to mind. "Hey, Jack didn't you say you were bringing a friend?" I asked. Jack just stood there for a moment then brought his hands to his head and started to scream. "I forgot all about Y/N." He said while running out the back door, knocking down zombies as he went. "Y/N, Y/N where are you." Jack yelled looking very worried. 

I looked around for this supposed Y/N but didn't see anything till I heard "Up here." I looked up and saw a beautiful girl on a dozer's shoulder. Both me and jack were in awe as she replied kind of snarky with a "What's up guys." Jack seemed to be just staring at the fact that she was on a dozer's shoulder but all my focus on the girl. She was scientifically perfect in every way.  Her E/C eyes were just the right color. And they complimented her beautiful long H/C hair. Her hair flowed down her smooth shoulders and just captivated me. After finally snapping out of my daydream I saw that she was glaring at us. 

It made me sad that I haven't even talked to this girl yet and she was already mad at me. "Look who finally decided to show up." she said in an angry voice. "Y/N I didn't mean to forget you, I just got exited." Jack said in a leading voice. I just looked at him with a face of shock. How could he forget a beautiful specimen such as she? She wasn't even only beautiful but she also looked super smart. I looked back at Jack and saw the desperation on his face.  He must like her, I thought.  For some reason that I couldn't calculate why this made me mad. 

After I thought some more and went through the numbers, I figured out that I was jealous. I liked the thought of me and Y/N together. So one thing was for sure, I would never forget her like Jack did. I would cherish her for the gem she was.

"Um excuse me Y/N." I said nervously. She turned her attention from Jack to me and I almost fainted. It was hard to not get lost in her E/C eyes. "How are you able to control the dozers?" I asked genuinely interested. Dozers were naturally aggressive and I have never seen them so docile. Y/N gave me an amused look. "I don't control them, I'm friends with them. I earned their loyalty and friendship." She said with a huge smile on her face while hugging the dozer's head that she was sitting on the shoulder of. I smiled back and said "Very impressive." 


I tapped Razor's head as a signal to put me down and he reluctantly did so. I gave a final hug to both of my dozer friends. I waved both of them goodbye as me, Jack, and I'm guessing Quint went back into the house. "I haven't truly introduced myself yet, I'm Y/N." I said holding my hand out to Quint. He took my hand and shook it. "Hi Y/N my name is Quint it very pleasant to meet you." He said with a smile and a wink. I found myself lightly blushing.

Jack was glaring at Quint in the background.

Once we were through introductions we started getting Quints stuff together. I had to say he had quite a lot. But both boys insisted that they could carry all of it. Leaving me to carry Quints mice. "Quint, I trust you in all things." Jack says to Quint. "Thank you." Quint says back in a happy voice. "But how are we getting all this to the treehouse? It's a long walk." Jack said in a questionable way. "He's got a point." I said adding to Jack's feedback. "It will be difficult for you guys to fight off the zombies while carrying all this stuff."

"Oh, we won't be walking." Quint said raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Quint turned on the lights to reveal a very impressive looking apocalypse truck. Both Jack and I were in awe. "Y/N, Jack meet big Mama." Quint said proudly. Jack let out a "Woah." Quint started talking in an almost salesman type of voice. "Allow me to go through the features. Arrow turret. Bottle rocket launchers. Butter slick slingers. Fuzzy mice for science. Fuzzy dice for looking cool." Quint finishes looking quite proud of himself. "Dude is that a human skull?" Jack asked all of a sudden. "Its only candy." Quint reassured. I let out a breath of relief while Jack said "Oh. Not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved." I made a face that said 'You better be joking' But all seriousness went away when Jack asked "What's it smell like?" and Quint replied "Cookie dough."

I just giggled as they both started smelling the skull candy. They were such dorks. We all got in and got situated. I sat in the back while Jack and Quint were in the front. "Hey guys I'm gonna take a nap is that Ok?" I ask the boys. They both replied with "sure". I then laid down on the leather seats and got comfortable. Link uses me as a pillow and rests his head on mine. I fall asleep to the sound of the roaring engine and Link's purr. 'Today has been crazy, hopefully, nothing else happens',  I think to myself as I fall into a deep sleep. 

But unknown to me there would much more craziness and blushing in the near future!

Authors note:

Thanks so so much for the 2000 views. It's insane, I never thought my story would be this popular. And thanks even more for the 100 votes. I feel so honored and grateful. I  will make sure to keep up the good work. See you next time :)

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