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*I didn't expect to hear anything from Josh (at least for a few days) so when I saw his name in the notification center I was genuinely surprised. At first I wasn't in the mood for any of his excuses but I had nothing better to do so I checked my messages to see what he came up with*


i know that u said not to text u but i think i owe u an apology 

i really messed up and i just wanted to get back at Ness, i didn't mean to hurt u can we still be friends? 


is this ur apology? it's not very good

and thanks for using me


it's not what u think

*Josh explained why they broke up in the first place and basically what was happening. I decided to forgive him, despite his mistakes I really think we could get along well*


i'm sorry again for hitting on u


it's fine, we're ok

so how r things with ur gf


she wanted to meet tonight but i just didn't feel like going when u were still mad at me


who said i was mad

and i don't rly see how i'm connected to this but i guess thanks haha


i'm just glad we're ok


me too


anyway she totally ignored me and said she didn't have time


nice haha

maybe she's doing what u tried to do


could u elaborate 


nevermind i was just joking


but what did u mean


i just thought that since u got mad and tried to take me out maybe Nessa found herself a guy 


u rly think she did that


i said i was kidding

and i don't know anything abt ur gf 

if u both love and trust each other i'm sure there's nothing's going on


yeah she would never do that

*I know he doesn't believe it but he'll probably spend the whole night thinking about if Ness is cheating, I kinda felt bad about putting that thought in his head but I guess now we're even*


Do you think Brie made the right decision forgiving Josh? Could it be true that Nessa's cheating on J?

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