12. Two Teams

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Since Alan had accidentally fired up Thunderbird 1 without activating the anti-detection shields the day before, Hannah wasn't feeling particularly confident about his flying abilities.
Nevertheless, she boarded Thunderbird 1 along with Fermat, Tin-Tin and Lady Penelope.
The Hood was planning on breaking into the bank of London, and it was their job to stop him.
Hannah had flown with their father in the Thunderbirds, several times before, and Alan's flying skills were certainly not as good as Jeff's.
Hannah was just glad that they didn't crash along the way. And she couldn't have been happier when they finally reached their destination.

"Warning. Landing sequence error" announced the computer on board.
Hannah had a hunch that Alan had been going too fast to achieve a perfect landing, which had upset the computer.
She closed her eyes and clenched her fists tightly as Alan began his descent.
Aside from a slightly bumpy landing, the craft made it down in one piece.
"Textbook boys" complimented Lady Penelope.

The group couldn't revel in their success, as the London monorail suddenly disintegrated, due to the Hood destroying its base supports, causing one of its carriages to plunge into the Thames.
"We've got to save those people" announced Tin-Tin.
"But what about the Hood?" Questioned Fermat.
"Tin-Tin is right. We're the Thunderbirds, it's out duty to save those people" admitted Alan.
"He's right, you can leave the Hood to me" said Lady Penelope.
"You can't take him on alone" replied Alan.
"I've taken on worse villains than him in my time. Besides, I won't be alone. Hannah will come with me".

"I will?" Quizzed Hannah.
"You don't have to, but I just assumed that you'd want to" admitted Lady Penelope.
"I do. I do want to come. I just wasn't expecting you to offer".
"You can't go" said Alan.
"Yes I can. Lady P needs my help, and you don't need me to sit and watch you rescue those people" replied Hannah.
"But you need to stay with me. We're both Thunderbirds. It's our job to rescue those people in the river"
"It might be your dream to be like dad, and become a Thunderbird, but I have other dreams. And I want to help Lady P".

"Just, promise me that you won't do anything dangerous" begged Alan.
"I can't promise that, and neither can you" replied Hannah quietly.
"No, I guess not. But just try and stay as safe as you can"
Alan hugged Hannah tight, before heading off into Thunderbird 2 with Fermat and Tin-Tin.
"So, what's the plan?" Asked Hannah.
Lady Penelope removed her phone from her pocket, and flicked it open.
"Parker. Meet me at the bank of London" instructed Lady Penelope, before putting the phone away.

"How will Parker get here?" Quizzed Hannah.
"He will use my car since it's parked on the island. But the only problem is that it might take him a while to get here, which means that we'll have to do this by ourselves" answered Lady Penelope.
"Wouldn't it be better to wait for him and dad?"
"It would be good to have back up. But in this line of work, you don't always have time to wait for the rest of your team to join you. I often go on solo missions anyway, so I can never rely on anyone else to come and save me. If you want to be like me, you'll have to get used to doing the same".

"So, what is the plan?" Hannah asked again.
"We go to the bank, and we stop the Hood" replied Lady Penelope.
"That doesn't sound like a very in depth plan"
"Lesson number 1, plans are over rated. Sometimes the best plans are made on the spur of the moment. We don't know what we are going to face when we get in there. So just follow my lead"
"O.K then, let's get going".
Lady Penelope smiled and lead the way out of the rocket, with Hannah sticking close to her side.

Without her car, the pair had to call a taxi to take them to the bank, which was in pandemonium when they arrived, due to the Hood's break in.
Lady Penelope was able to pass through security with ease, and even though Hannah was given some strange glances, no one stopped her.
Once they were in the underground part of the bank, Lady Penelope opened her handbag and revealed a small revolver.
Hannah's jaw dropped, as her father never used guns, and Lady Penelope noticed her discomfort.

"I don't like using weapons like this, but I don't always have a choice" admitted Lady Penelope.
"I don't think I've ever seen dad with a gun" revealed Hannah.
"Your father rescues people, that is his main job. Mine is a bit different. I am an undercover agent. A spy"
"I know. I just didn't expect you to have a gun in your handbag"
"It is only to be used in emergencies, and most of the time I just use it as a threat. I don't actually shoot people that often"
"Good to know"
"Well, are you ready? You don't have to come in with me if you've changed your mind about helping"
"No, I don't have to, but I want to"
"O.K then, let's do this".

When Hannah and Lady Penelope walked into the room, they saw the Hood admiring a diamond, while his sidekicks were nowhere to be seen.
"Ashes to ashes, diamonds to diamonds... Lady Penelope, what an unpleasant surprise" announced the Hood as he spun around to face them, not being at all worried about the gun that Lady Penelope was pointing at his face.
"Don't be rude. I can't tell you what a pleasure it would be to use my little finger to pull this big trigger. So don't move!" instructed Lady Penelope.

"Mullion" ordered the Hood, as moved quicker than Hannah thought possible, and knocked the gun out of Lady Penelope's hand, just as Mullion came around the corner.
"Get your hands off me" demanded Lady Penelope as Mullion lifted her in the air.
"I'm so sorry. But the only part of sport I ever enjoyed, was winning" grinned the Hood.
"How ghastly" replied Lady Penelope, as Mullion carried her into one of the cells in the room, used to house blocks of gold.

Scared that she would be next, Hannah ran, knowing that there was no way she would be able to rescue Lady Penelope on her own.
Not wanting to leave her mentor completely, Hannah found her way up onto the railings in the air, so that she could still watch what was going on down below, but without being seen.
"Finish her off Mullion" instructed the Hood, as Mullion tied up Lady Penelope.
"You know, I've always despised a man who delegates the important jobs" mocked Lady Penelope.
The Hood smiled as if this amused him, before stepping out of the cell.

"What about the girl?" Questioned Mullion, making Hannah tense up.
"I don't think she's gone far, but I don't believe that she is a threat to us. However, the Thunderbirds are on their way. Take Transom and head them off" ordered the Hood.
Transom appeared from behind a corner at the mention of her name and followed Mullion out of the room.
Hannah was pleased to think that her family would be arriving soon to help her. But she was also terrified that they were walking into a trap.

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