7. On The Run

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Hannah's worries about her family were interrupted by a sudden sneeze, which didn't seem to come from anyone in the room.
The noise appeared to come from the ceiling, which meant that someone was hiding in the ventilation system.
Since no adults could fit in there, Hannah assumed that Alan and their friends were up there, eavesdropping on the conversation.
Hannah sneezed loudly, trying to make it look like she had been the one to sneeze earlier.
Unfortunately the Hood and his henchmen were not fooled.
Mullion thrust his hand through the ceiling and managed to grap hold of someones foot. But he quickly let go when his hand was bitten.

"Apparently this island is not as secure as you thought" sighed the Hood, scolding his men.
He climbed out of the chair and looked carefully at the photo frame beside the computer. He seemed to realise that Hannah was the young girl in the photo, which meant that there were other people her age who might still be on the island.
"Children. Did you find any children?" He asked Mullion.
"Here they are" announced Transom, who had hopped onto the computer after the Hood.
"Get them!" Instructed the Hood, sending Mullion and his side kicks out of the room.

"So, you're not daddies only child then" sneered the Hood.
"I'm not telling you anything" spat Hannah.
"It's a good thing I don't need anything from you then. Now, don't try anything foolish while I'm gone" replied the Hood, before marching out the room.
Hannah knew that she could easily escape, now that Transom was the only one in the room.
But the control room was the only place where Hannah could watch what was going on. And if she left, she wouldn't be able to give control back to Thunderbird 5 and bring her family back.

Hannah smiled when she watched Alan and the others use the Firefly to cover Mullion and his men in green goo, immobilizing them.
But Hannah's joy soon faded once Alan and their friends were cornered by the Hood and his men.
"It's not me you're angry at" she heard the Hood say from the screen, after Alan used his stone skipper to fire a stone at him.
"It's not you I'm aiming at" revealed Alan, before firing a second stone.
This time he hit what he was after, causing the floor beneath his feet to disappear, dropping him and the others into the tunnel beneath them.

"Transom, fire up Thunderbird 1" ordered the Hood.
"Yes sir" replied Transom.
Hannah's face fell when she realised what was about to happen.
"No!" Yelled Hannah as she threw herself at Transom, trying to pull her away from the controls.
"Get off me" instructed Transom as she pushed Hannah to the floor, and spun the red dial, by the controls, around.
This caused red jets of fire to explode out of Thunderbird 1, into the tunnel that Alan and the others were sliding down.

Several moments later the Hood and his lackies returned.
"She attacked me" revealed Transom, pointing to Hannah who hadn't moved from her place on the floor.
"It seems like you handled the situation fine. Have you see the children?" Asked the Hood.
"There's no sign of them sir" announced Transom, who had been checking all the security cameras for signs that the group had survived.

"Of course not. The little kiddies went out like firecrackers. Pop pop pop!" laughed Mullion.
Brians charged forward, towards the big man with his fist raised, but before he reached him, he bent over in pain.
Hannah looked over and saw that the Hood's eyes were red, indicating that he was using his gift.
"Don't give him the satisfaction, Professor" said the Hood, before releasing Brains from his control.

Hannah noticed that after using his power the Hood appeared slightly weaker than before. But she couldn't focus on that thought, as she was overcome with grief for her brother.
She was struggling to breathe, as her weak heart struggled to pump blood round her distressed body.
"He- he can't be gone" panted Hannah.
Brains joined her on the floor and placed his arms around her protectively.
"I- I can't breathe" gasped Hannah, as she desperately tried to suck in more air.

"What's wrong with her?" Frowned Mullion.
"Nothing. She's f-f-f, O.K" lied Brains.
"Are you sure?" Questioned the Hood.
"Deep breaths" whispered Brians, focusing on Hannah.
She nodded her head and tried to calm herself down, to control her breathing.
"Mullion. Tie up the Professor, for he might still be of use to us, and get your men to take her down to join the others. Have them meet us by Thunderbird 2 when they're done" instructed the Hood.
Mullion nodded and pulled Brains and Hannah apart, yanking them to their feet.
Hannah was given to the 2 henchmen, who's names she couldn't remember, and dragged from the room.

The men taking Hannah, didn't seem all that smart, so she felt sure that she could trick them.
Before they reached the kitchen, Hannah pretended to double over in pain.
The henchmen slackened their grip on her, allowing her to slip out her arms, spin around and kick both men in the groin.
This was a move that Lady Penelope had taught Hannah, and one that she had never forgotten.
Once free, Hannah sprinted off in the opposite direction, and since it was her home, she had the advantage, as she knew every crook and cranny.

With Alan and the others gone, Hannah knew that she had to stay alive and free, if the rest of her family had any chance of surviving.
Jeff had made sure that from a young age, Hannah could remember the emergency protocol, in case anything bad ever happened.
The protocol involved waiting for Lady Penelope at the rendezvous point. And since Hannah didn't have a plan of her own, that was exactly what she was going to do.

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