4. Trouble

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Hannah's warning to Alan had apparently landed on deaf ears. Because he was caught firing up Thunderbird 1's engine without activating the anti-detection shields soon after she had given him the code to access the rocket.
After receiving a stern talking to from their father, Alan left the room miserably, and Hannah was called in next, to talk to Jeff.
"I know it was you who gave Alan the access code to Thunderbird 1" scolded Jeff.
Hannah frowned, as she was sure that her brother wouldn't have tattled on her.
"I don't know what you mean" lied Hannah.

"I know my children very well, and despite your age, I know that you are probably the smartest of them all. Alan would not have been able to get the code to Thunderbird 1, on his own. So either you helped him get it, or you already knew it, and just told him what it was. I have a feeling that it was the latter, am I right?" Questioned Jeff.
Hannah sighed and nodded her head.
"Those codes are kept a secret from you children. What possessed you to tell your brother what the code was?" Jeff demanded.
"Alan asked me to help him, and I did. He told me that he was just going to sit in Thunderbird 1. I didn't know he was going to start up the engine" admitted Hannah.

"Not only did he fire up the engine, but he did so without using the anti-detection shields. I know you understand that our operation here is top secret. You know what would happen if someone found our base and realised who and what we are" said Jeff sternly.
"I know all that, and I'm sorry I gave him the code" apologised Hannah.
"Why did you do it?"
"Alan just wanted to experience what it's like to be a Thunderbird. You don't get what it's like, to be constantly left behind, to always be the odd one out. I do. Which is why I told Alan how to get inside Thunderbird 1. He was upset, and I wanted to cheer him up".

"Alan is not old enough to use our rockets, and neither are you. He needs to grow up, and you need to let him. He can't mature, with you helping him to cheat along the way. He will become a Thunderbird when he is ready, and not a moment before" admitted Jeff.
"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, and I'll keep my distance from Alan" promised Hannah.
"Good. Now, go to your room, unless you want to speak to John, because I'm just about to call him" replied Jeff.
Hannah nodded and walked towards her father, as he span around in his chair to face his computer screen.
A couple of clicks later, Hannah was staring at her second oldest brother John, who was currently orbiting the earth on Thunderbird 5.

"Hey guys" grinned John.
"Hey, we miss you" replied Hannah.
"And I miss you too" admitted John.
"How you doing?" Asked Jeff.
"I'm alright. I would kill for a pizza though, do you know any company's that deliver up here?" Questioned John with a smile on his face.
"You missed out a lovely barbecue today" revealed Hannah.
"Hmm, sounds nice. What else is happening down there, on planet Tracey?" Quizzed John.

"Alan's home for spring break" sighed John.
"Ah, I thought I could see a storm brewing in your region" sympathized John.
"Teenagers" mumbled Jeff shaking his head.
"Hey, we're not that bad" interjected Hannah.
"I don't know about that" teased John, causing Hannah to frown.
John chuckled before turning to face Jeff, "We've all been there, and you've done a great job at raising us by yourself, dad".
"Thanks John" replied Jeff.

"You're coming home in a few weeks aren't you?" Asked Hannah.
"Yeah, I want to see Alan before he goes back to school, so I'll come back a few days before he goes, to see him and restock the ship" answered John.
"You must get lonely up there"
"Sometimes, but there's always plently to do. I'm currently keeping an eye on a forest fire and a typhoon".
"You'll let us know if we need to help out with those disasters, won't you?" Questioned Jeff.
"Yep, I'm watching them closely for you" replied John.
"Good job".

Hannah covered her mouth with the back of her hand, hiding a yawn, but her father caught her.
"Right, off to bed now" he instructed.
Hannah sighed, "Alright. Goodnight John".
"Night Hannah. Speak to you soon" promised John.
Hannah nodded and left the room, bumping into Alan, who was loitering in the corridor outside their fathers office.
"What are you doing out here?" She demanded.
"I was waiting for you... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you in trouble" apologised Alan.
"Yeah, well you should of thought about that before breaking into Thunderbird 1, and firing up the engine"
"I didn't mean to, I just pressed the wrong button"
"And I thought you said that you knew how to work the rocket, well you clearly don't".

"I'm the one who got punished, not you, so I don't know why you're complaining. I heard everything you both just said. Dad just told you not to do it again, that's it, but he grounded me for the rest of spring break" revealed Alan angrily.
"Well, I'm sorry about that. But you're the one who deserves to be punished, not me, since I didn't do anything wrong. You're the one who nearly revealed our location to the entire world" reminded Hannah.
"I made a mistake, I'm sorry. And if I could go back and change it, then I would, but I can't"
"I know... And I'm not really mad that you got me into trouble. I shouldn't have given you the code in the first place".

"You're never going to help me out again, are you?" asked Alan.
"Right in one" answered Hannah.
"Great" muttered Alan.
"It was you're own fault, remember... Anyway, I'm going to bed now. I'll see you in the morning"
"Fine, goodnight then"
"Goodnight Alan".

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