3. Mother Figure

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Hannah made her way out of the building towards the pool where she had heard Lady Penelope was.
She had looked up to the stylish lady in pink, her whole life. And whenever she was on the island, Hannah tried her best to be like her.
She had realised at a young age that she was never going to be beautiful like Lady Penelope.
As they got older, Hannah realised that Tin-Tin was changing into a beautiful woman, whereas Hannah was not.
After growing up with 5 older brothers, Hannah knew more about guys than she did girls. She had even had her hair cut into a pixie style to appear more boy like, so that she fitted in more with her brothers.
She never quite got the hang of fashion like Tin-Tin, despite her best attempts to copy her.

When Hannah arrived at the pool, she found Tin-Tin and her father Kyrano, but no Lady Penelope.
"Hey guys, have you seen Lady P?" Asked Hannah.
"She's talking to your dad over there" pointed Kyrano.
Hannah looked to where he was pointing and saw the two conversing, inches from each others faces.
The looks they were giving each other, made Hannah feel uncomfortable, as she definitely didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on between the two of them.
Her father then kissed Lady Penelope's cheek lightly, before heading off in the opposite direction.

Once he was out of sight, Hannah ran over to Lady Penelope, who was beginning to walk away.
"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?" Asked Hannah, when she reached Lady Penelope.
The gorgeous woman in pink, turned around and smiled at Hannah.
"Of course not. But I do need to get back soon. Being a secret agent is not easy, as there is always a long list of things that I have to do" admitted Lady Penelope.
"I know. But can I at least walk with you to your car?" Asked Hannah.
"I would love your company... Sometimes I think that there are too many men on this island"
"I completely agree"
"I expect you've missed me a lot then. I'm sorry I haven't been around recently"
"That's O.K. It's not like you live nearby".

"No one lives nearby to you. But England is rather far away, even for someone like me, who owns a flying car" sighed Lady Penelope.
"Then take me with you this time, so that we don't have to be apart. You keep promising to make me your ward, and take me to England, but you never do" reminded Hannah.
"I will one day. But not yet. You're still too young, so your father won't let me take you with me"
"I'm sure you could convince him if you really wanted to. He'd never say no to you"
"Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you. But when it comes to you, your father will take no one's advice but his own"
"I wish he could see that I've grown up".

Lady Penelope rested her hand onto Hannah's shoulder, "You kids aren't really kids anymore, it's true. You're all getting so grown up".
"Dad still thinks that me and Alan are like 5 years old, because he definitely doesn't treat us like we're nearly adults" complained Hannah.
"You aren't grown ups just yet, and you shouldn't be in any rush to grow up anyway. Being an adult isn't as fun as you think"
"But you're free, you get to do what you like"
"I wouldn't say that exactly. You do get to make your own decisions, but you can't do everything that you want. There will always be rules governing your actions".

"Well, I can't wait to be older, so that I can be free of my dad" announced Hannah.
"You will never be completely free of him. If you want to be a Thunderbird, you will have to obey his orders during missions, since he is the head of this operation" reminded Lady Penelope.
"You do what you like"
"I am a free agent, not a Thunderbird. If you want to be like me, then maybe this isn't the place for you... Tell you what, next time I'm here, I will ask your dad if you can spent some time with me, at my house"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome. He might refuse me though".

"He'll do whatever you want... He seems to really like you. Do you like him too?" Asked Hannah curiously.
"Of course I do. He is a good friend" answered Lady Penelope.
"That's not what I meant. Do you love him?"
"Whatever feelings there are between me and your father, they belong to us, and no one else"
"Everyone's seen the way you look at each other. We all know that there is more than friendship there".
Lady Penelope sighed, "Your father and I's feelings are complicated. He still loves your mother, and he always will".
"That doesn't mean that he can't love you to".

"Would it bother you, if we were to become a pair?" Asked Lady Penelope.
"I don't remember my mother. You're the closest thing I've had to one, so I doubt anything would change between us, if you were to marry my dad" admitted Hannah.
"Marriage is not something either of us are considering in the near future... Our relationship is complicated".
Lady Penelope's phone began to ring and she looked down at it sighing.
"It's Parker. He says the car is ready to go" she admitted.

"Come back soon" begged Hannah.
Lady Penelope hugged Hannah close, "Don't worry, I'll be back before long".
"Stay safe out there" instructed Hannah.
"I will, if you will"
"I live on a secret island, that I'm grounded on. My dad makes sure that danger avoids me like the plague. I'm always safe"
"In this world no one is ever truely safe. For there is danger lurking around every corner".

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