"Harry baby, I need you to come out of headspace for me love." Cameron told the little gently, rubbing his cheek with the pad of his thumb. Harry pouted but forced himself out of headspace but making no sign of moving from Louis' arms.

"I think you should tell them hun. They deserve to know." Cameron told him, taking the paci from between Harry's lips. Harry whimpered and buried his face in the crook of Louis's neck.

"Do you want us to tell them?" Oliver offered. Harry nodded, not moving his face from Louis' neck. The alphas looked at Oliver and Cameron expectantly. Cameron sighed before explaining.

"Harry's transgender." He said simply.

"He's what?" Niall asked confused. All the alphas had a look of confusion too except for Liam.

"He was born as a girl." Liam explained. Now the alphas were even more confused.

"But...he's a boy." Zayne said confused. Liam nodded.

"Yes, he is. But he was just born as a girl. He didn't feel like a girl, he felt like a boy so he transitioned. He's still a boy, just with different parts to the rest of us." Liam explained. They nodded slowly, letting the information sink in, kind of understanding now.

"So, he was born as a girl...but transitioned into a boy." Louis said, more to himself than anyone else. Liam nodded.

"You're okay with it...right?" Harry asked, sounding close to tears.

"Of course we are baby! It's just gonna take a while for us to understand it properly. Well, except for Liam apparently." Louis told him, holding him tighter and kissing the side of his head while rocking him from side to side.

"I have to ask though, how do you get your chest to look so flat if you have a girl's body?" Zayne asked.

"I wear this thing called a binder. It basically pushes everything flat." Harry told them. Niall winced.

"Sounds painful." He commented. Harry shrugged.

"Only if I wear it for too long." He told them, snuggling into Louis' chest and yawning.

"You tired love bug?" Liam asked. Harry nodded before he saw Liam's shirt, still covered in vomit.

"I'm sorry." He apologised.

"For what love?" Liam asked.

"Your shirt, it's ruined." Harry said guiltily.

"Hey, it's okay. I have a spare one. It doesn't matter. It's an old shirt that probably needed throwing out anyway." Liam told him, trying to sooth the boy who looked like he was gonna cry again. Harry nodded, still feeling a bit guilty.

"How old are you all?" Harry asked because all the alphas seemed to be older than him.

"I'm 18." Louis told him.

"17." Niall chirped.

"20." Zayne said.

"21." Liam replied. Harry's eyes widened.

"You two are in your twenties?!" He exclaimed. 

"But, but you're in high school! I don't understand!" He stammered. Liam and Zayne chuckled.

"We don't go to school here. I'm an English teaching assistant and Liam's a P.E teacher." Zayne told him.

"Are you gonna be working with Oli?" Harry asked excitedly, loving the prospect of seeing both his foster dad and mate in the same class. Zayne nodded. Harry squealed and started bouncing in Louis' arms.

"Calm down Haz. You're gonna use up what little energy you have." Cameron told him, placing a gentle hand on the omega's back. Harry stopped bouncing and snuggled into Louis' arms.

"I'm gonna put you down okay love, I don't want you slipping back into headspace, we have class in a few minutes." Louis told him, lowering the boy so he was standing on his own again.

"How old are you baby?" Liam asked the curly haired omega.

"15." Harry replied.

"What classes do you have? We'll try and get you moved into mine and Niall's classes." Louis asked. Harry shrugged.

"Dunno. The lady wouldn't give me my schedule. And I can't be in your class anyway, you're both older than me." Harry said.

"You can still do your year's work, just in our classes with us to keep an eye on you." Niall told him. Harry nodded and turned to face the front desk where the receptionist was reading some kind of magazine. He bit his lip nervously, not wanting to talk to her.

"I'll go sort everything out with your classes. Liam, you go get changed. You three, do whatever." Zayne instructed. Harry looked down sheepishly, a faint blush making its was onto his face.

"I need a change too." Harry whispered. 

"Come with me then." Liam told him, holding a hand out for the small boy to take. Harry grabbed his backpack from Oliver and laced his fingers with Liam's, allowing the man to lead him into a staff bathroom. Liam locked the door and turned back to face Harry.

"Just let me change my shirt and then we'll get you all cleaned up 'kay?" He said. Harry nodded and hopped up onto the counter next to the sink, digging through his bag for the necessary supplies to change. Liam stripped off the vomit covered shirt, throwing it straight in the bin and when Harry looked up, a fierce blush coated his cheeks as he saw Liam's bare, very toned torso.

"You like what you see?" Liam asked, smirking. Harry nodded.

"A lot." He agreed. Liam laughed and put the clean shirt on, much to Harry's disappointment.

"You want me to change you or do you want to do it yourself?" Liam asked. Harry bit his lip in thought.

"You. But if I get uncomfortable, promise me you'll stop." Harry replied. Liam nodded.

"I promise. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable. Just let me know if you want me to stop and I will." Liam reassured him. Harry nodded and hopped down off the counter. Liam layed a towel down on the floor and got Harry to lay down on it. Harry did as told and Liam changed him; taking off his shoes and jeans, getting rid of the old pullup, wiping Harry down, putting a new pullup up over the small boy's hips and redressing his tiny mate. He helped Harry stand up, picking the boy up afterwards and sitting him down on the counter.

"Was that okay? Were you uncomfortable?" Liam asked. Harry shook his head.

"No, it was fine. Thanks." Harry said rather awkwardly.

"Are you sure? You don't sound like it was fine." Liam asked, worriedly. Harry nodded.

"Yeah just...does this change how you think of me? Now that you've seen...down there." Harry asked, his eyes flicking down to his crotch. Liam put two fingers under Harry's chin, lifting it so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"It changes nothing. Just because you're  bit different to other boys, doesn't mean you aren't one. You are boy in my eyes and no part I see of you will make me think any different. And I know for a fact it's the same for the rest of the boys." Liam told him sternly. Harry nodded and hugged Liam tightly around his neck, Liam's arms instinctively moving so they were wrapped around Harry's waist, Liam's body being the only thing stopping Harry from falling off the counter.

"Thank you." Harry whispered.

"You don't need to thank me love, I'm just telling the truth." Liam told him. Harry giggled and hugged Liam even tighter.

"Now come on, we need to get back to the others; classes will be starting in a few minutes." Liam told him, pulling the boy off the side so he was standing infront of it and took his hand, picking up Harry's bag and leading him out the door, down the corridor and back to the rest of the boys.

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