Part 2

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The first alpha had blackish brown eyes and black hair spiked up messily with a short beard. The second alpha had dark brown hair styled into a quiff and chocolate brown eyes, also with a short beard. The third alpha had feathery brown hair swept over to the side so you could see his grey-blue eyes; and the final alpha had bleached blond hair that was spiked up and ocean blue eyes. The second alpha pulled Harry away from Oliver with a growl. Harry cried harder and struggled against the man's hold, not liking being in a stranger's arms while he was so distressed.

"Oi! Let go of him! You're scaring him!" Oliver shouted, trying to get to Harry but the other alphas just blocked the way, the second one pulling Harry close to his chest, smoothing the omega's curls. Harry sobbed harder and harder until he eventually ended up throwing up on the alpha holding him. Oliver broke through the alphas and took Harry into his arms, quickly calming the boy down. All 4 alphas growled and tried to get Harry back into their own arms but Oliver just growled right back and held Harry tighter. Cameron came over and took Harry from Oliver's arms, picking the small teen up and sitting down on a chair in the office with Harry on his lap. In all the commotion, Harry had slipped into little space and just wanted his paci and stuffie, only one of which he had; his paci. Cameron slipped the paci between Harry's lips, watching as the little instantly began suckling on it, calming himself down slowly. Cameron rocked them both back and forth while smoothing Harry's curls and rubbing his back comfortingly, Harry's head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"What the fuck!" Oliver shouted at the alphas.

"We should be saying that to you! What gives you the right to hold our mate while he's upset instead of us?!" The third alpha asked. Oliver's eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?" He demanded.

"He's our mate. now why were you holding him?" The forth alpha replied in a thick Irish accent.

"He's my son. And he never said anything about finding his mates." Oliver told them. The alphas looked down in shame, not realising they were fighting with their mate's parents.

"Sorry. We didn't realise. And he wouldn't have been able to tell you anyway, we only just smelt him when he walked into the building." The first alpha explained. Oliver nodded and turned to see if Harry was calm, smiling when he saw the paci in Harry's mouth. The alphas looked at Harry too and cooed.

"Aww! Is he a little?" The second alpha asked, the vomit on his shirt completely forgotten about. Oliver nodded his head and a series of aww's was heard from the alphas. Cameron stood up with Harry on his hip and walked over to the group.

"Hey Hazza, guess what!" Cameron said excitedly, hoping to get Harry excited too.

"Wha'?" Harry asked around his paci.

"These are your mates!" Cameron told him, smiling widely. Harry perked up at that, turning to face the 4 alphas excitedly.

"Weally?" He asked, bouncing in Cameron's arms. The third alpha nodded and reached out for Harry, taking him from Cameron's arms and setting him on his own hip, bouncing the boy and patting his padded bum lightly. Harry giggled and snuggled into the alpha's warmth.

"Wa' youw names?" Harry asked cutely, looking up at the alphas with big green eyes.

"I'm Louis." The alpha holding him told him.

"I'm Niall." The bleached blond replied.

"I'm Liam." The one Harry threw up on said.

"And I'm Zayne." The first alpha said, digging though a backpack for a shirt for Liam. Harry nodded.

"I Hawwy." Harry introduced himself.

"That's a very pretty name baby." Louis complimented.

"Tank chu. I's picked it mineself." Harry told them absentmindedly, playing with the drawstrings on Louis' hoodie. The alphas sent a questioning look towards Oliver and Cameron who sighed and turned to Harry.

The trans omega & his 4 alphasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن