Chapter 4

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Matthew is a deep sleeper and as it's almost ten O clock, he's fast asleep. He's been losing sleep past few days but since he met Rolland, he's able to sleep properly. And after such a nice time spent with him, Matthew's probably having some sweet dreams.

Just then, his phone rings. It rings many times when Matthew finally wakes up and yawns, noticing that it's Rolland's call.

He picks it up and sleepily says, "hey, are you okay?"

"Hi, to be honest, no! But I need to ask you something."

Matthew could notice that Rolland's voice was shaking and he knew that he was crying. Matthew suddenly started to get all protective over Rolland.

"Hey,what is it? Ssh don't cry."

Rolland sobbed a little more and said, " Someone has posted my photo in insta, with someone else's picture and there's a big rumour going around the whole school that the girl I love doesn't know me and I'm heartbroken. But I swear even I don't know that girl!"

"Ssh it's gonna be okay... You can always ignore them you know? "

"Fine... But that's not what I'm worried about, my main concern is that who clicked my photo, and.... It was from the day we met..... Before you saved me. I was crying on the bridge..... Who might've clicked it?"

"Oh God... I don't know, but... It's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna find out this stalker of yours okay?"

"Um okay. I - I don't think I'll be able to show up in school. How am I supposed to face all the people? "

"Oh Rolland, don't worry, just pretend that it didn't happen okay? If someone asks you anything, then just walk away. It doesn't matter what others think of you, does it?"

"Um, no... You're right."

"It's alright. Now sleep. I'll see you tomorrow and maybe help you find out who did it."

"Yeah... Um thanks. Good night. Sorry for disturbing you."

"Oh no it's alright. At Least I can do this much for my only true friend."

"Thanks. Bye"


Matthew hung up the call and looked at the dark ceiling of his room.
Who could've done it..... Argh I wish I was there with him right now to calm him down.

And soon he fell asleep. But it wasn't too comforting as it was earlier. He was worried about Rolland.

Matthew was jogging on the bridge, then when he reached halfway, he saw someone trying to jump off. He shouted and the person looked at him, it was Rolland, with tears streaming down his face. And before Matthew could do something, he was gone. Rolland was  gone forever.....

Matthew woke up sweating and breathing heavily. He looked around himself and sighed in relief. "Uh just a dream", he muttered.
His heartbeat had increased and had a sinking feeling in his stomach. Yes, he's scared. He doesn't want Rolland to leave.

I can't let him die. I need to take care of him so he won't be depressed anymore. But... Why do I even care? It's not like I've known him for ages, it's just been some days. What if after all the care I give him, he decides to ditch me? What if he turns out to be one of the bastards once he's fine? But.... I need to help him. He needs me.... He's got no one else.
Why am I suddenly so scared of losing him? Maybe... It's because he's the only one I have too. All the so called friends in college are.... Hopeless asswipes. Huh I guess I should be going now.

Yep, a quick sneak pick of Matthew's mind. Huh who would've guessed that such a strong, masculine guy would ever feel like this.

College has never felt more boring then it did today. Matthew literally spent the whole time sleeping.
As soon as college was over, he was excited to meet Rolland. Today he had planned a surprise for him, just in case he was way too sad.

He hurried towards their comfort zone in the bridge and saw Rolland gazing at the sky. Matthew took a deep breath and went up to him .

"Rolla-, hey you okay?", Rolland's expression said that he wasn't okay.

"You look like a rotten tomato for God's sake!", Matthew said as he pulled Rolland into his arms into a tight hug.

Rolland sobbed onto Matthew's shirt.

" Hey hey it's okay, come with me.", with that Matthew slowly broke the hug partially and held Rolland tightly and went towards his home.

Yes, Matthew planned to take Rolland to his apartment for the evening and had taken a day off from work. Not much of a surprise, but enough to make Rolland feel better.

They entered Matthew's home and into his room, with Rolland still leaning on to Matthew.
They sat down on the bed and Rolland wiped his tears and looked up at Matthew.

"Y- your shift?"

"Oh don't worry about that I've taken a day off. Now tell me what happened. "

"Literally the whole school made fun of me and tried to show me all their fake concerns. But-"

"But? "

"What's worse is that the girl tried to kiss me and-"

"And? And what? Tell me! "

"And her boyfriend saw us and he bit me up... ", with that he showed his bruised cheek and elbow.

Matthew's eyes grew wide with anger. "What! That fuçking diçkhead! Who gave him the right to beat you!"

Matthew was furious but calmed down when he saw the hurt eyes of Rolland.

"Oh it's okay.... This time leave it, but next time anyone tries to beat you, just call me and I'll chop off their heads!"

Rolland weakly nodded.

"Aw come I'll make you feel better."

Matthew took Rolland to the drawing room and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. They put on a random movie and cuddled with each other and watched in silence.

The movie was over and Rolland was in a better condition now. Matthew looked down at him.
Rolland's head was against Matthew's chest.

"Hey.. ", Matthew whispered.

Rolland looked up at Matthew with the most beautiful eyes Matthew had ever seen. " Thanks", Rolland whispered.

Matthew smiled and gave him a cute smirk, " Anytime".

They were really comfortable in each other's warmth. It was around six pm and they were running out of time, though neither of them seemed to budge.

They looked into each other's eyes as they could feel the heat increasing. Rolland could feel Matthew's breath on his face.

Matthew couldn't help noticing the spark in Rolland's eyes. Slowly, Rolland brought his face closer to Matthew's as Matthew opened his mouth slightly, ready to feel Rolland's lips on his in no time.

Just as their lips were about to touch Matthew zoned in and pulled away, as Rolland did too. Matthew covered his mouth and looked up at Rolland who was now standing up, looking at him with a red, embarrassed face.

"I- I'm sorry... I -", Rolland ran out of the house and into the streets. With one last look at the apartment, he ran back to his home as tears fell off his face.

Matthew just sat there, too shocked to react to whatever just happened.
" But- but h- how?", Matthew muttered to himself, " It- it wasn't supposed to happen but.. ".

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