Chapter 2

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It was Sunday so Matthew woke up late, at least that's what he thought at first. But after he woke up, all the memories came rushing back to him in a heartbeat.

He went to the washroom and washed his face and remembered the face of his now ex girlfriend last night. He was furious at her, he knew he shouldn't have burst out but it was her fault.

"Duh I don't care about that bitch anymore.", Matthew muttered to himself as he splashed water over his face. Just last night he found his now ex girlfriend making out with his so called best friend. He didn't know whom to be more mad at.

He was really pissed off and decided to go for a walk when he saw a short, thin guy falling off the bridge. Though he was stressed out, he couldn't let someone die right in front of him.

He saved the guy, who was Rolland. He was the most beautiful boy Matthew had ever seen and he swore to himself to not let Rolland die at any cost.

Matthew was done brushing his teeth and all and he got out of the washroom and sat on a chair near the window, drinking water and thinking about how to spend his day.

Just then his phone rang and it was Chris, one of his friends. He didn't feel like, but anyways he picked up the call.

"Hey wassup bro!", Chris said cheerfully.

" Hey, why did you call?"

"Um I just wanted to know if you're alright, I mean, I know what happened last night and -"

"See, I don't want to talk about it okay? Brandon has been a complete bastard for a friend and I don't care even if Patricia fucks all the boys in town."

"Dude, dude chill. You will get a lot of girls in the future. And anyway I think that Sara kinda -"


He kept the phone on his bed and just sat there in silence.

'Huh I wish I could actually talk to someone, someone who understands me and doesn't backstab me! Ugh I'm tired of all these people at college. Why does Chris think I can be in a relationship with anyone who likes me?
I don't even like them!', Right, that's what Matthew was thinking.

He was really tired of all the drama and so he decided to again get out of his apartment and go for a walk.
Maybe some fresh air could help.

He took his phone and wallet and put on a hoodie and went for a walk. He reached the bridge and saw someone familiar standing there.

Yes, it was Rolland. Was he trying to jump again? Nope. He was just standing there, looking down at the water.

Matthew quickly approached him and slapped himself in his mind for going to talk to him while he himself needed some space. What if Rolland turns out to be an asshole too? But he couldn't stop himself from approaching Rolland, so he just went and stood beside the short blonde boy.

"Not trying to die again, are you?",Matthew said with a smirk. Wow his mood really changed! Boys!

Rolland shyly looked up at Matthew and said, " Nope, I was just, um I needed some air so I came here and um thanks for saving me today. Maybe Jesus didn't want me in heaven so he sent you."

Matthew laughed, "you're funny."  Rolland slightly blushed but pushed that feeling away.
" So what were you doing here?", Rolland asked.
"Same. I needed some air too."

Rolland has never talked to someone for more than two minutes but with Matthew, it was different. He could open up to him.

Both are quite different, in fact opposite.

Rolland is an introvert while Matthew is an extrovert and, as for their looks, Rolland is the cute and delicate kitten while Matthew is the strong German Shepherd. Their interests are different too.
Rolland is into reading and singing while Matthew is into video games and basketball.

But despite their differences, they get together quite well.

Both were just talking about the common movies they watched and about their lives etc.

"It was fun, spending time with you.", Matthew said facing Rolland.

" Yep, it's good to have someone to talk to."

"Yeah, specially when all your friends turn out to be fake and your girlfriend cheats on you.", Matthew said sadly, looking towards the sky.

Rolland kept looking at Matthew for a second and said, " Guess no one's really happy in this world."

Matthew nodded and said, "okay, um should I drop you home? It's quite late."

Rolland giggled and said, " You're acting like you're my mom."

Matthew smirked and walked away, "Come I'll drop you."

Rolland quietly followed him and soon they reached his home.

"Now listen, give me your phone number and I'll call you tonight.", Matthew said before going back.

They exchanged numbers and bid their goodbyes.

" Guess he's not that bad.", Matthew muttered to himself as he made his way back to his apartment, " At Least he helped me relax after all the chaos."

Matthew smiled to himself and took a cab because he was too tired to walk home.

He reached home and ate some noodles before sleeping again.

Looks like he's gonna sleep in peace after so long, now that he felt more peaceful and calmed than before.

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