Chapter 6

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Matthew gave a last glance at himself at the mirror before heading out. He wanted to look his best today. Usually he didn't care about his looks for a party, but today it's different. Rolland would also be there so he needed to look nice.

He was kinda nervous though he didn't know why. He walked towards Rolland's home and when he reached there, he saw Rolland sneak out from the back door.

"Hey! ", Rolland said when he came near Matthew, " Wow you look nice!"

"Oh hi um thanks", Matthew was awkward all of a sudden, " I uh guess we should get going."


They both walked hand in hand towards the party. When they reached Sara's house, they could hear the music from outside, it was some song by Marshmello.

They both went in and were greeted by a dense surrounding, full of people dancing and drinking and kissing and what not.

Matthew greeted some people while Rolland just walked along with him, awkward. A lot of people stared at the two, so they stopped holding hands.

Matthew asked if Rolland would like to dance or drink something but he denied, so Matthew just drank some soda. They both were sitting on a couch, watching others dance.

Just then a girl came and stood in front of them. She wore a really short, pink dress. She had wavy, brown hair and a round face which had a little too much makeup according to Rolland.

"Hi", she said to Matthew.

" Hey, um Sara, this is my friend Rolland.
Rolland, this is Sara.", Matthew introduced the both of them.

"Hi", Sara said looking at Rolland, who just smiled in return.

" Oh um can I have a word with you Matthew?", Sara said suddenly, taking Matthew's hand.

He was hesitant and first but then he stood up and gave Rolland an apologetic look and walked away with her.

Rolland just sat there all alone, looking at a couple making out in a corner. He was quite bored so he decided to take out his phone and just pass the time.

Just then, the music stopped and the house went dark. Then there was a spotlight in the center and it fell on..Matthew?

Rolland was shocked as he stood up and went towards him. He reached near the center where Matthew was standing, as shocked as the others.

Then he saw Sara , walking towards Matthew with a bouquet of roses in her hands. Rolland's heart was jumping in his chest.

Then everything happened at once.
Sara proposed Matthew, he got confused, and before saying anything Sara pressed her lips against Matthew's, who kissed back, everyone cheering and shouting and dancing.

Rolland just stepped away from the crowd and sat on the couch, feeling dizzy. And then, just to make things worse, he saw Matthew and Sara walking towards a dark room and closing the door behind them. Rolland didn't want to think about what they were doing.

Rolland was confused. He should've been happy for his friend, but instead he was jealous. "I'm gay doesn't mean I have to fall for Matthew! He's happy with Sara..", Rolland muttered to himself with frustration.

He didn't know what was happening or what he was doing. He was in a daze. But then he stood up, went to the counter and chugged down a whole bottle of tequila. And then there was no stopping him. He kept on drinking bottles of beer.

At first it felt a bit disgusting to him, but them he got used to it and kept on drinking more and more of it.

It was nearly the ninth bottle of beer, that it  slipped out of his hand and he passed out.

Everything went black and he couldn't feel anything. It was all gone.

Black and Blueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें