Chapter Twenty Five

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He called her name, shaking her even more but she couldn't do anything. Only lie there as the mysterious figure continued to shake her. And then it was all over.

Mia woke up in a cold sweat, her whole body shaking and a scream racking her body. Suddenly, she was pulled into someone's arms. She knew who it was just by the minty smell. Blake. The only person in the world who could comfort her. Sometimes Tori would try if it was an especially terrible night, but she'd never had much success.

But as Mia lay there in her bed, shaking uncontrollably with tears streaming down her face, she knew she'd be okay. Even if not right then or right there. Because, with the help of Blake, she could get past this.

Mia pulled away eventually. "Thanks," she said softly, wrapping her arms around her cold body.

"You should have told me you were having nightmares," he whispered. "I could have done something."

"Like what, Blake?" she asked. Mia's voice hushed to a whisper. "The only thing that helps is you. And you can't always be there."

"I know," he whispered regretfully. He perked up, something going on inside his head. "What if we got you sleeping pills? Like the ones that people take so they don't dream," he suggested.

Mia thought about it for a moment. It seemed like a good idea. It couldn't make it any worse and she wouldn't have to deal with those terrible nightmares anymore. "Okay," she agreed, a smile finally stretching across her cheeks.

Blake pulled her close to him once again, holding her tight. Mia didn't mind. She loved being around him.

But she couldn't help thinking of Charlie. As much as she didn't like him, she couldn't hurt him like that. Even if she didn't like him like that, there was no way she would ever cheat on him. That was something she'd told herself she'd never do and she wasn't about to break that promise now.

Mia looked over at the clock on the bedside table and almost jumped. "I have to go," she told him, standing up from her comfortable spot on the bed. She looked around the room, searching for her stuff. It wasn't on the book case. Or the chair. Or the tv table. She sighed in relief when she spotted it on the desk in the corner. She rushed over to it, almost tripping over the rug. She was able to stop herself and grabbed her backpack before walking back over to the bed where Blake was still sitting, slightly dazed.

She wrapped him in a tight hug. "I'll see you at school, alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, see you," he responded before pulling away.

At that moment, all Mia wanted to do was kiss him. But she stopped herself. She just wouldn't do it. Even if it was torture, she'd wait until she saw Charlie and then she would break up with him and kiss Blake.

Mia was about to leave when she realized how she'd gotten there. She turned around slowly to see Blake sitting there with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "I was wondering how long it would take you to remember," he teased, standing up from his spot and walking over to where she was. "Let's go."

"Thanks," was all she said as she started walking out of the mansion. She walked out the big door before walking past the large pool and slide and making her way over to Blake's red convertible that was currently parked in the large garage. Mia made a mental note to get Blake to let her use the pool sometime.

As soon as Mia got in, she remembered how much she liked it.

But when Blake started the car, and they were rushing down the highway... Mia fell in love. The wind blowing in her face was all she needed to vanquish the tension, stress, and fear that had been building up inside her for weeks.

Because for once, she was free. She rarely got this feeling but when she did, she held onto it. She decided, right then and there, that she needed to get a convertible or a motorcycle so that she could always feel that way.

Mia let the wind take all of her problems and carry them far away from her. She knew it was weird for wind to help her this much, but it was just who she was. When her face was in the wind and she could feel it cooling her face, she was finally free. Away from everything else.

"We're here." Mia looked up to see that Blake was right. They had just pulled up into the schools parking lot.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," she joked, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye.

"I'll miss you," he returned, going along with her joke. "I'll never see you again. Except for in my dreams."

Mia and Blake laughed. Mia couldn't help but notice, again, how incredible his laugh was. It made her heart stop for a moment. "But seriously, I'll see you tomorrow. And we should probably train tomorrow. I still need to work on the emotional side of my abilities," she told him.

"Okay," he agreed. "I'll see you. Drive safe." Mia felt a flutter in her heart flutter at his words. She knew it was just a saying but it made her feel like he was actually worried. That made her happy. Because in order to worry, you first need to care.

Mia shut the door before scanning the parking lot. A cold breeze brushed her arms and she wrapped herself in a hug, trying to keep warm. She watched as Blake pulled out of the lot and walked over to her car. The cement was hard on her thin flip flops but she didn't really care at that moment.

She almost reached her car, too. But she wasn't that lucky.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mia saw a light pole fall to the ground. Mia rushed over to the scene, her eyes wide. Mia saw some sort of invisible monster and knew this was her time to help people. She was more experienced now and she would be more careful. She knew what to do. She could help these people. Mia ran over to her car before flinging her back pack off her shoulder and changing into her suit quickly. Not the most comfortable in such a small car but she used what she got.

Mia ran back over to the situation before assessing it. It seemed to be a hawk made out of air but it was hard to tell due to how hard it was to see. Mia could tell that it would be hard to catch. It was quick. She studied it's moves, tucking them away in her memory.

When she had fully evaluated the scene before her, she took a deep breath. She let all of her emotions fade into nothingness and focused on creating lightning.

She saw where the Eagle was gonna go before it had even gotten there and quickly shot it out of the sky. But it wasn't done yet. The eagle swooped back up, barely taking the hit.

Mia concentrated harder than she ever had before, bending her will to control the lightning. She created some in her fingertips and held it in her hands. She'd never done that before. She didn't even know that had been possible. But as she held it, she knew she couldn't continue to forever. So, after a few more moments of watching the eagle and gathering lightning in her hands, she let it loose.

It hit the eagle right in the chest (or what she thought was it's chest. She couldn't really see) and it went soaring down. She heard the thump of the pavement and lay down, exhaustion overcoming her whole body.

And right there, in the middle of the road, Mia passed out.

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