chapter twelve

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Damian had three bags full of clothes, weapons, things all at the center of his bedroom. Jason leaned against the wall as he watched a furious Damian wander around his room looking for more things to throw away that belonged to Dick or that Dick gifted him in the past.

And soon, his bedroom was nearly empty.

In a fit of blurred emotions, he dragged all three bags outside his room and when at the staircase, he kicked them all down.

When he returned to his room, both bystanders were sitting on his bed. Jason leaned back against the headboard relaxed and amused for the most part. And Jon kept fiddling around with his hands without a clue of what to do. Damian slammed his door shut before locking it and wandering to his closet. "I don't have many clothes now. I will go to Drake. He will have clothes my size." Robotically, he exit the room to rob the room beside his.

The door shut and through the wall, Jon could hear clattering and drawers opening and closing followed by a loud, "Not that shirt" or "don't take those." He forced his hearing to shallow and turned to Jason. "Should I tell him I'm infiltrating his mom's base?" Jason sat straight and focused his eyes on the unfinished drawing on the desk. "No. He probably knows already. He and Renegade are super close. They're like best friends. Them and Raven."

If Jason eased the idea of having a steady frenemy relationship between Renegade and Superboy, then Jon wouldn't be trying to kill Damian on a daily basis anymore. It would all work out in the end. He just had to play his cards right. "Yeah, so while we're back at HQ, let's try to get along with Renegade. He's not a bad guy once you get to know him."

The door opened and Damian entered, significantly ending their conversation. Damian held two plastic bags full of clothes. "Drake said I could have his old clothes. Although I don't mind that most of it is plaid, Timothy is an odd person. So much plaid." Both watched Damian dress into black skinny jeans, a white tank, and a forest green plaid button up. Not bad, Drake. "His clothes are acceptable. Now come, I would like to finish breakfast made by Alfred."

On his own, he left again. Jon stood first and stretched. "Dami's mad. Like, super mad, he's being so unnaturally calm when he looked like he wanted to murder everyone within a ten foot radius of him. Dang. . ." Jason rolled off the bed then stood. "Yeah, he likes to vent in private and after a few minutes, he'll recover and pretend everything's good." Jason took the first steps out of the room and let Jon follow behind.

The entire mansion was quiet.

And when they both arrived to the dining room to find just a stressed looking Bruce and unhappy Tim, both came to the conclusion that Damian had disappeared from the house entirely.

It wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

Damian was supposed to come back home to a surprised family where no grudges were held because if any of them wanted to go off and find themselves, Bruce could have accepted and let them go off. Sure his method wasn't exactly the most ideal but after a death, people grieved and then moved on. So why was Dick so upset? Damian couldn't find the reason no matter how hard he searched for one in his head.

So his solution was to escape to his bedroom back at the al Ghul base.

Now he was home. Home where all of his clothes were, all of his weapons, and gifts, and everything he loved, adored, even hated. But it was comfortable and it was what he knew. He held up his latest sword that rest in it's case on top of his fixed bed. The sword given to him by Slade for his sixteenth birthday and graduation day. It was a much better sword than any Dick had given him. He thought that out of spite but also in truth. Slade just had a better eye for assassin weapons because he'd been around them for so long. Slade and his mother were in an awkward phase of dating but not quite at the same time and it brought physical pain to both villain's children. Damian finally disregarded his outfit and pulled on Renegade's.

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