chapter one

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It was the middle of the night.

Damian stood over Star City in his uniform, three people surrounding him. They all peered down at the glowing city.

Deathstroke turned to him. "Renegade. You and Ravager will infiltrate. That is it, do you two understand?" They both grumbled a response. "Infiltrate, take information, kill witnesses, and kill your targets. Talia and I will take the first half of the building." Rose saluted and backflipped off the ledge. Damian followed suit and dove straight down. When the two teens spotted the destined floor, they opened their arms and grappled over to the next building, lightly landing on the concrete beside the window. Damian opened the closest window and slipped in, immediately disabling the cameras before it caught sight of him. Rose slipped deeper into the large office room and wandered into the boss's office.

Inside stood a man, large and at his desk, typing away furiously on the computer. Ravager hummed loudly. The businessman startled and jumped backwards, tripping over the chair he knocked back. Damian sighed. "I'm after the next target." Rose waved him off and unsheathed her sword with a grin.

After a quick mental debate, Damian decided to take the elevator instead of jumping out the window again. Doing that required him to count the floors. Elevators presented the numbers for him already.

Quiet static sounded in his ear before Rose's voice came in. "Killed him. Got the passwords. Starting to retreive info." The elevator opened before he could reply so he quickly pounced out and behind a cubicle before the group of people inside the large office space could turn their heads to spot whoever came out of the elevator. He heard the clicks of the guns they possessed. They were armed. What office workers were even armed?

Slowly pulling out his katana, Damian rolled over into the open space beside him then pushed off his feet towards the closest target. With a single swing of his sword, three men were down to the ground, bleeding out slowly but surely. There wasn't a doubt that they'd die within the next minute. Damian jumped over a cubicle and twirled his body to swing his blade around a whole three-sixty degrees and was content to find he eliminated all targets in one final blow. They all shouted in pain and grunted when they stumbled into each other or hit the ground. Damian grabbed the very last man in the room.

This one was a teenager, older than him of course, but still working under these men. "Tell me the code and you get to live." The boy fell to his knees and Damian was suddenly happy to be taller.

"The co-de, here it-it is."

The boy was trembling under him. Damian took the folded piece of paper the teen presented to him and let him go. "Stay there." His hostage did as told and remained seated on the ground with his head bowed down in shame. Damian seated himself in front of a computer and found the code for the private file worked perfectly. He pulled the drive out of his pocket and began downloading the data. Damian glanced down at the hostage to find him looking outside the window.

Damian found himself doing the same.

The snow in Star City was rare but beautiful. The two boys both knew the hostage was going to die tonight. Damian, afterall, was an assassin after this group. This teen was just unlucky to get caught up in the mess. With a frown, Damian pointed the gun straight at the other's head.

Quickly. This would be a quick death. At least his death would be beautiful and painless.

Yes, what Damian would give to die gazing at something as beautiful as falling snow and a city full of twinkling lights. He wouldn't get that in Gotham. That was for sure.

The beeping of the drive brought his attention to the screen. He removed the device and pocketed it into a leg pocket, turning to find two familiar heroes. "Renegade. Stirring up trouble again? You know, I really don't understand how villains get around the country so quickly. Could have sworn you were in Gotham just yesterday." An arrow was launched his way, a giant metal net springing from the end. Damian barely dodged the unexpected attack and held up his sword defensively. The other hand flew to his comm. "Team, Green Arrow and his sidekick's here. My floor. Now."

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