chapter nine

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"Cataclysm, Report."

Every member of the team was assigned a city. Every Saturday, they would go out for the entire night of patrol and search for the members who wanted to join Cataclysm's forces.

Icicle - Star City
Red Hood - Gotham City
Shimmer - Washington DC
Terra - Jump City
Cheshire - Central
Ravager - Metropolis
Quinzel - Fawcett City

Saturday - Week 1:
Star - 9 Recruits
Gotham - 26 Recruits
DC - 4 Recruits
Jump - 12
Central - 17 Recruits
Fawcett - 22 Recruits
Metropolis - 2 Recruits

Saturday - Week 2:
Star - 3
Gotham - 18
DC - 5
Jump - 12
Central - 16
Fawcett - 18
Metropolis - 4

Saturday - Week 3:
Star - 7
Gotham - 24
DC - 7
Jump - 18
Central - 20
Fawcett - 21
Metropolis - 1

Damian stared closely at the reports as he input the data from the past three weeks. There were ninety-two initial recruits during the first week. On week two, they managed to keep all their recruits and find new ones, seventy-six to be exact. Last week, they hired a solid ninety-eight people. They were close to a hundred.

Currently, Damian stood with two-hundred and sixty-six soldiers. One more week of recruiting then he would take a break for an entire month and resume the next month after. He'd take the next month to train his nee recruits.

But of course, since it was Saturday morning of the fourth week, he had to prepare.

So Damian stood from his desk and retreived his camera to plug it in and sit once more.

Every Saturday morning since the first broadcast, he would update the entire country about his progress by giving exact locations of where to be picked up in each city, how many total new recruits he achieved each week, everything there was to know in the first place.

He looked straight forward and smiled.

"Citizens, tonight will be the last night we scout for recruits. We will continue our search in September. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to seeing all of our new faces tonight."

When he logged off, almost instantly, Lucy came barging into the room panting. "Someone started a fight. A group of your soldiers, sir!" Damian stood from his seat and took a look at the computer's clock.

All of his soldiers should be training at this time. What was the fight even about?

"Very well, I am on my way."

What on Earth was Rose doing? She was supposed to be today's trainer along with some already trained assassins his mother allowed him to take for about a year. Damian finally entered the room and found people cowering away and kneeling on the ground in submission as Rose glowered at everyone with a tired look and sword dripping with blood. A body lay on the floor. The poor man was dead. The only other recruit standing looked scared to death.

"Wilson. What happened?"

She flicked her sword and watched the blood fly off and hit the ground. Her weapon was now clean again so she sheathed it. "Long story-short. Dead man was being an ass to everyone else so others got mad. I just got rid of the pest. Problem solved."

He nodded. "Thank you." Damian faced the knelt down recruits. "You're all getting the final batch of new recruits tonight. Everyone will train for a month and at the end of that month, I will create factions and assign leaders to each of them. Train hard. Fail me and you'll wish for death. Everyone, dismissed."

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