Prologue (Part:7)

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"Ugh! So you're the idiot that caused Mama to become barren."

"You're so ugly! I hate you!"

" You're gross! You should just stick to cleaning!"

" Such an eyesore!"

I won't lie, this hurt. Even though the taunts are piss poor.

I was still a kid after all and they were technically my family.

I had gotten used to mother's abuse. You know what-

Why am I still calling her that? Didn't I promise to call her woman?

Let's just call her B. Short for Bitch. Not the most creative. But it's the most accurate and I'll be able to remember more easily.

As I was saying. B's abuse mostly included ignoring me or put-downs.

She would throw occasional slaps or insults my way. But I had even gotten used to those.

I may have what you'd call thick skin.

But, these people were the only relatives I knew I had. So I couldn't help but have a sprinkle of hope, that someone wouldn't hate me.

Someone who would be my only ally. Someone who would sneak me good food. Someone who would kiss my boo-boos better. Someone to hug me when I was sad.

But this wasn't the case, obviously. I know it was dumb. But I couldn't help it, and in the end, I felt like a finished cigarette. Dropped and grated into the ground.

I took a sharp inhale and kept my face blank. I wouldn't show them I was crying. I could tell they wanted me too. That's what B wanted and when I gave it to her. The smug look on her face just added to the pot of anger I was never allowed to release.

I was told never to disobey. I knew they would never openly ask me to cry. So I never gave them my tears. I was blank, I was numb, I was... I was a doll. Just a doll.

I stood still and never had an expression on my face.

It took me a while to perfect it. I practiced day after day. And when I finally had it perfected. I tried it out on B and the look on HER face.

Let's just say, it almost broke the look I had on mine.

And now the faces of my 'siblings' assured me that they were B's children.

They kept throwing stupid little insults at me like; dummy, stupid, idiot, bastard, bitch, dog.

I don't think they know what bitch is, or else they wouldn't have called me a dog.

They tried to little put-downs. Snarky comments. The occasional physical abuse like pinching, shoving.

Then they gave full-blown speeches, sometimes screaming about why I shouldn't be alive.

But when I kept that straight face. They looked like they were about throw temper tantrums. Well, bigger temper tantrums.

They all finally ran out of steam and walked away in a huff. The corner of my mouth twitched a little. It was hard to hold in my smile.

I waited a few minutes before slowly trudging after them.

I was walking down one of the halls and about to turn the corner.

"That little thing is so infuriating!"

"I should've slapped her!"

"It caused Mama so much trouble. She should just get rid of it!"

"Yeah! She's the reason why Mom has been so... sad."

"She's also the reason Mom keeps getting sick."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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