Prologue (Part:6)

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So a few years later, blah, blah, blah, nothing really happened between the age of nine through ten.

Still a walking stick, still sickly pale, still overworked, still engaged.

Then I turned eleven. Nothing happened in the first few months then the fateful day came. I had to attend school.

I was given a few quick lessons over the span of a year. Quick reminder, I was, underlined 'WAS' illiterate and completely useless when it came to numbers. The only reason I could talk is because the maids taught me.

Everyone saw no point in me attending school. But for some reason, I was going. So they just crammed as much as they could into my head.

Good thing I'm a fast learner. Once I got a handle on my ABC's. I was then taught to sound them out, how to make sentences, and so on and so forth.

I ended up reading a huge dictionary after I got a handle on words. Willingly! I willingly read a dictionary from A to Z.

What? You don't believe me? Just because I repeat a lot of the same words, cuss, and don't speak like a posh, rich, little private school bitch? Well, tell that to all my English teachers.

My essays brought them to tears. While you probably brought your teachers to tears whenever you walked into the classroom.

And I'm sorry to say this but, they weren't happy tears.

Anyways, I didn't have much trouble with math either. After going through the shoddy textbook my tutor provided me.

I got the basics down. Then eventually I was able to complete problems about anything, area, perimeter, algebra, fractions, exponents. I'm a fucking genius!

Arrogant? True. Valid? Absolutely! Unrealistic? Who the fuck cares?

Eh, I'm getting bored, let's get on to the day I finally attended that prison.
I was going to school and I was given some very unfamiliar clothes.

A white long-sleeved shirt, a pink short-sleeved shirt with a cheesy smiling sunflower on the front, a pink headband, and-. Lord, I get teary-eyed just thinking about em'.

These were sent from some higher power.

Jeans and sneakers!

What's the big deal about jeans and sneakers? They're just ordinary clothes, right?

It's a big deal for me!

I do all my chores in a skirt and uncomfortable flats. When I first saw them I was repulsed by how dirty they were. But when I put them on I started to cry.

It was true love, I never experienced anything so beautiful as the comfort of casual clothes. (You should have seen me when I discovered sweatpants.)

But the joy just said 'fuck this I'm outta here' as soon I met my 'siblings'. I had five brothers and three sisters.

I also learned that I was the youngest.

My oldest brother, I don't care about his name, was twenty.

My second oldest brother was eighteen. Again I don't care about his name.

My third oldest brother was seventeen. I really hope you're not expecting a name.

My fourth oldest brother was fifteen. Stop expecting a name already.

Finally, my fifth oldest brother who was thirteen.

They were all self-entitled pricks. They all partook in sports if they were in school, we're decent looking and had great poker faces.

While they were in school they also had the task of finding a more conservative, religious girl whom he can brainwash into a wife.

If they didn't find one by the time they finished college then they'd have to say, HELLO ARRANGED MARRIAGE!

They didn't really care though. They just spent their time fucking other girls, half of them against their will.

Hey, what did you expect? I told you about my life up until now, what made you think they wanted consent? They didn't believe in consent! Which is why this happened, A LOT.

But since my family's loaded they always get off scot-free.

Money makes things go away kids.

Then there were my sisters. Pretty, but dressed nicely but with no skin shown. They looked like cute porcelain dolls.

My oldest sister was seventeen.

My second oldest sister was fifteen.

Then the third oldest being thirteen.

I guess some of them were twins since their ages were the same.

For my sisters it was different. The only reason they went to school is too get shiny flawless images. They had to get the best grades no matter what, partake in various events, and just look good.

The more pretty and nice they look the better marriage offers they got.

Going to college was rare but it could happen if you promised to do even better and behave.

I don't know what the point of that was. It's not like the degree would be used. School was already across a bunch of boundaries.

But work? Hell no!

Might as well just get high school over with so you can become a walking womb for some dude you barely know.

But once the little bastards laid their eyes on me looks of disdain that turned the atmosphere black and suffocating.

Oh! And I forgot to mention one more amazing thing! My mother turned all these little sheep against me cause her pussy dried up when she had me!

So everything is gonna so much more interesting!

Yippee! Ha ha ha!

Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

Just one more.


Ok, I'm done.

But seriously, this fucking sucked.

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