Prologue (Part:1)

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Have you ever been told that there is a reason you exist?

I'm not talking about that sweet stuff your parents told you. Like, you exist to make the world better. You exist to bring love to your parents' hearts. You exist because God wants you on this earth and so do we.

Or something along the lines of that s***. I  don't know what loving parents say to their children as I've never had them.

And because of my parents, I've grown up-. Not well. I would've cussed but they aren't worth the anger and the rage. They're not worth anything but I still hate them, with a burning passion.

Alright, now where to start. You see, my parents grew up in some kind of weird society. It had been around for, hell, I know it was long, LONG before I was born.

I don't even know when exactly it started. Apparently, my great-great-great-great-great, so many f****** greats, grandfather had his own concept on life.

Well, that was a given since he was born hundreds of years ago.

He believed that men, women, children, hell even pets had a role. Men go to school, get a job, earn money, find a wife, and have many children.

Men are not allowed to cry, be weak, or show weakness. They listened to their elders and their fathers.

They disciplined (beat) their wives and children when discipline is needed (when they felt like it or needed to blow off some steam).

They shall act only as men not participating in any women's activities.

Now as for women they were too cook when their families were hungry. Clean when it was dirty, serve your husband in bed, and just keep the house in order.

They play with dolls as children and do not need to go to school as there is nothing for them to learn there.

They just needed to learn how to take care of the house from their female relatives. Their most important concerns are getting married as quickly as possible and having babies as quickly as possible.

They listened to their father's and/or husband's orders. They don't speak unless spoken too, make themselves look pretty, and to know their place.

Children just have to obey their parents and elders.

The only thing that all have in common is that you obey God. Now they weren't the God loves all, forgives all, cherishes all, type of believers.

They were more like fear God or burn in the fiery depths of hell kind of people.

I get disgusted every time I think about it. I mean that's just how things were way back then and things have changed now.

But not for me.

Apparently, my lots of greats grandfather made sure to include many people with these ideals.

Including his friends, children, etc. Planting his roots and spreading his disease.

So then this ideal passed down century after century. From generation to generation. Dozens of families turned into hundreds then thousands scattered among the world.

They held onto these ideals even when they weren't exactly popular anymore.

So they hid in plain sight. They kept their children away from the outside world and built houses in seclusion. They sent letters to each other instead of texts and always paid in cash whenever they shopped. So they had no paper trail.

So they went unnoticed for years.

But they didn't know that they would be uncovered, by me.

Hello, people thanks for reading, just a little reminder that the prologue is gonna be a little long.

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