"Well, then  I will make a habit of visiting this Cafe every Sunday too, anyhow I have something I wanted to tell better ask," Yuvaraj said and Amira looked at him in question.

"What is it?" Amira asked looking at him suspiciously which made him smile but he hid it.

"Next week there is a party at my home, My Parents Wedding Anniversary and I will appreciate it if you will attend the party," Yuvaraj said hoping she will say yes.

"I...I... I will let you know in two days, thank you for the invitation, Bye" Amira said and walked away from there without looking back because she feared that she will lose her control on her emotions and this what she is feeling is foreign to her because she never felt like this even towards Kiaan which is scaring her while Yuvaraj looked at her retreating figure while he knew internally she will attend the party at least to know what happened his meeting with the girl he came to meet after that he informed his mother he is not going to meet the girl as there is some emergency that came up and he needs to see it personally.

Next five days Amira avoided going to YV's office on the pretext of having important business deals like plague and today all the time she is here in her office from the morning she is distracted because her mind is circling the invitation he sent again formally with Ms. White two days back but she is not ready to face her emotions nor he and the incident at the restaurant is at the back of her mind, she knew she can't judge just because of that one incident because if she does then there will be no difference between her and her ex-family but her mind and her heart are against  going there and there is only one place which will help her to clear her emotions which are running high, that is her old place which was brought by her brother Siddarth and Bhabi Myra when for first time they came California and spent time with her there for few months and their memories and the scent that is imbedded in that place always helps her to sort out her emotions and thoughts, so she exited office by private elevator and took her personal car by canceling rest of the meetings for the day and in 45 minutes she reached the house and she took deep breath before she entered inside because it has been eight months since she came here.

She entered inside and walked upstairs where her brother's room was present and when she entered inside and smiled where her brother and bhabi's Pic was on the wall which she have taken when they came to know she was becoming Bua {Aunt} on Diwali but her dream never got fulfilled of being called BuaMaa, she shook her head and caressed the pic and closed he eyes when she felt the jasmine perfume in the air mixed with spicy and sandalwood perfume which made her smile. She talked with the portrait for a long time telling everything present in her heart and mind while facing the sky.

"Bhai, show me the way so that I can choose the right path for my future I'm tired of being lost and scared. Any sign is sufficing Bhai because I can't say I like him but I'm attracted towards him and I want to give a chance to him, to this and mostly myself but I fear that once again I will lose everything," Amira confessed aloud looking at her brother's portrait and just sighed knowing until she takes a step ahead she will never find answers to her questions. She stayed there for an hour got and then got ready wearing semi party wear which reflects her I Indian Culture with loose hair, single bracelet and eyeliner highlighting her doe eyes looking beautiful and ethereal and when she was going to start to Mittal House, Hadrian called her which annoyed but she went to the address he messaged and when she reached there she was shocked to see him and the girl which made a ruckus in the restaurant.

"WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED HERE? AND HADRIAN WHAT IS THE MEANING OF YOU CALLING ME AT 8:00 AT NIGHT?" Amira snapped at him who was looking at her with an apology in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Ami, you know that I was helping Joseph in a case where many people complained to him about a Lady trapping business tycoons in her charms then demanding them money by blackmailing about the photos and videos of them together, right?" Hadrian asked and now Amira was getting an idea but she chose to listen to it completely.

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