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After the drive they went to the hybrid shelter

once they went inside they were greeted by a kind looking receptionist.
"So mam, how can I help you" The woman asked... "we would like to adopt a hybrid...... We BOTH" Yang literally beamed at her looking at y/n as she emphasized on her last word.

As usual the receptionist asked yanghi and y/n if they had any special PREFERENCE to which yanghi said she would like a cat and y/n opted for a dog! .... Cats are good but she prefers a dog.

The women in the reception rang a bell and soon after that a middle aged man came and introduced himself as the caretaker, he kindly greeted them along with the receptionist and took them inside...they first decided to go into the dogs section

"do you have any preference in breed? " The old man asked them while leading them through the various corridors, Yanghi said anything cute will be alright and y/n thought of the only breed she knows;
' Golden Retriever' but didn't said anything nonetheless.

The ordinary pets shops are very decorative and luxurious but the shelter seemed dull

when they went to the dogs section there were many of them y/n thought of taking a puppy rather but there were none, of course they don't need to be in shelter young hybrids are more in demand as they say it's easier to TRAIN them.. So they are found in luxurious hybrid stores.

Y/N was observing that most of the dog hybrid here likes to be in a pack(?)...well they are all sitting or playing in groups....it was then she saw a dog hybrid excluded from others and he was the only one alone there....sitting with a mirror.

Interesting she thought ,though she couldn't see his face as it was hidden by his mirror in which the hybrid is intently looking at his own face,but the caretaker probably read her curiosity for him "other hybrids do not like him much because... He is handsome .he is self claimed world wide handsome" He chuckled as he said so and as if on clue the hybrids attention fell on them, probably because of the use of his nickname.

Then y/n saw it, he was really handsome and cute..... As his eyes met with y/n his expression changed from curious to expectant. Y/n could see his tail slightly wagging behind him. His puppy eyes and expectant expression really got a hold on y/n ,so she thought to adopt him coz why not " I would-"

" Let's go check out the cats section before we decide " Yanghi interrupted whatever y/n was about to say but she nodded with her friends proposal nevertheless.

Y/N's POV:

When we went to the cats section all the cat hybrids were being lazy either sleeping or laying around ,there was not much activity here. I had read that a hybrid adopts the nature of their animal forms. So it's obvious but they were cautious about our presence though.

My mind was set to adopt the 'worldwide handsome' so I wasn't paying much attention to them,but as my eyes casually wondered around the room I noticed a door attached to the room that read DISABLED CANDIDATES .

Now I was curious about that ,coz as much as I know hybrid could heal very fast. Another nature of animals .hence physically disabled is very rare in hybrids. There would be only one out of thousand hybrids.

" What does that mean..... Hybrids can't be physically disabled... Can they????! "

He followed my eyes and smiled nervously
"no they are the hybrids who have problem getting adopted......I mean no one adopts them for some reasons"

"Like? " I asked. "Like the one we have the cat is very puerile . he is too shy and he behave much immature of his age....you know......um-"

"Age regression?" I completed for him

"Sort of " The man smiled sadly.

" So how many of them are there? " I asked looking back at those bold capital letters over the door.
"just one " He seems to thought for a bit and added "oh... Another cat lives with him so that he won't be alone.... He himself do never try to get adopted for the other one . They are true friends"

" Just like us" Yanghi said " Why don't we adopt them y/n?? " She asked me.

The dog would get adopted by someone soon.. Won't he?.... But this cat...

" It won't be a bad idea... We would like to adopt them both of them " I declared after I made my mind

" Really??! " The keeper man smiles surprised, but soon contoured his face back to professional,but the smile was still there " Why don't you have a look at them " He offered

" Yanghi you can go and look at them... I'll go and handle the paper works rather " I proposed and she agreed.


While I was doing the papers for both of us yanghi came to me and we both signed she chose the friend cat..... I mean the normal one(?). Though she asked me that she could even adopt the other one but as I was the one who wanted to help them so it's on me.

As we were paying and signing I saw two male cat hybrid came with their bag. And when I turned to look at them I saw a taller blonde cat is hiding behind a much shorted black cat hybrid wearing a bored expression, Even though his black fluffy tail which is visibly swinging in excitement is quite betraying his expression.

"Yours is the blonde one " Yanghi said, though I already guessed so already.

"Mine is the black one and his name is..... " Yanghi picked up her adoption papers
"Min yoongi!!! "She said and the black cat looked up at yanghi. With the same bored look but his tail started to swing faster though.

and then I saw my adoption paper and read the name of MY cat " Kim taehyung"



ILY..... ❤❤💜💜❤❤


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