Chapter 1

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Liyah: *heads to the market and goes to get some food for her supplies*
Zuko: "Why are we stopping, uncle? We aren't out of supplies!"
Iroh: "Ah, simply because we haven't run out of supplies doesn't mean we can't restock. Better to prepare for the storm before it comes, not after"
Zuko: "Ugh we're wasting our time!" *he shouts and accidentally bumps into Liyah*
Liyah: "Ah!" *her supplies drop* "Oh no!" *quickly gets on the ground to get her supplies*
Iroh: "Zuko! Do not lose sight of the forest in the trees"
Zuko: "What...? I'm sorry. Let me help you" *he helps her pick them up*
Liyah: "Oh thank you!" *finishes picking them up and putting them in her bag*
Zuko: "You're welcome"
Iroh: "What is your name, young lady?" *he asks*
Liyah: "Oh I'm Liyah" *smiles politely* "Are you men visiting our village?"
Iroh: "Yes. We're in need of supplies. If you could show me and my nephew the way to the market, we'd greatly appreciate it" *he says politely*
Zuko: "Yeah that would be great"
Liyah: "Oh sure! I need some medical supplies is where you'll find food for supplies and some restaurants across that way" *points as she walks*
*They follow*
Zuko: "What about weapons? Scrolls and such?" *he asks*
Liyah: "Right across there is the blacksmith and over on the other side is the library" *points at each location* "There's not much weapons since the Fire Nation took them for themselves"
Zuko: "That won't be an issue for me" *he says as he walks ahead and she now notices the fire nation insignia on his armor*
Iroh: "You must forgive my nephew. He can be very headstrong" *he says, patting a hand on her shoulder*
Liyah: *her eyes widen in surprise from seeing the insignia* "I-it's alright" *smiles nervously* "And just ahead is the medical center and the building next to it is where you can get medical supplies"
Iroh: "I think I'll be making a stop there. You'd be surprised how often we get into trouble" *he laughs in amusement and hands her some money* "Thank you for your help"
Liyah: "Oh you don't have to give me money!...I-I'm only glad to be of help" *smiles nervously*
Iroh: "Please take it for your troubles. I insist" *he smiles kindly*
Liyah: *takes his hands, places the money back, and folds his fingers over the money* "It's not necessary and for this I insist...I'm glad to be of help to you men" *smiles* "I must go but I hope things go well with you both"
Iroh: "And may things go well with you" *he smiles back and folds his hands in his sleeves*
Liyah: *makes a respective bow and smiles as she goes to the medical supplies tent*
Iroh: "Such a nice young woman" *he smiles*
Zuko: *comes back* "Have you just been standing around this whole time?"
Iroh: "Not at all, Prince Zuko. This young lady you've bumped into could be a real nice associate to get to know"

To Be Continued

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