10- Big final

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"Wait, I call you later. Something came up." I ami said. She could hear the cheeks clapping from the other side of the line. "Okay, bye then." Taehyung ended the call with out hesitation. "That bitch had the nerve to say that shit. I'll leave the country! Yes, that's what I'll do."

Taehyung packs his bags and flies to Paris with yeontan. He doesn't plan on coming back.

Without thinking Ami goes to Paris without knowing Taehyung was going too. "Fuck this shit," Ami said as she harshly packed her shit. "Min Yoongi Can suck my a$$" she shouted with all her heart.

While Ami was yelling about Min Yoongi fucking her a$$, back at the dorm every one was getting their cheeks clapped.


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