Chapter Nine

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The next few days were a series of rollercoaster rides. The coroner report was yet to come in, claiming the autopsy was taking longer than anticipated. My father's health was also slipping. The doctors told me that it was due to the bereavement of losing my mother.  

He wouldn't eat, nor speak to anyone.  A few incoherent words would be mumbled every now and then, but for the most part, it was always; "I can't believe I've killed her" followed by uncontrollable weeping. 

My nightly dreams were becoming my only escape from reality.   There I became someone else.  I wore beautiful gowns and a handsome man would confess his undying love for me.  Here, I was a bag of mixed emotions, who had no one to turn to.

Detective Pearson made my days a little more tolerable, with interesting stories and magic tricks.   He was actually really good.  Detective Augustine on the other hand, seemed to just blend in with the background.   He had taken the night shift, and was hardly ever social.

We had taken up residency in the meditation room on my Dad's floor.  It seems there was one of those on every floor.  I would have stayed with my Dad, but he didn't seem to be enjoying my company lately, adding anger, resentment, and hurt, to the ever growing bag that held my emotions.

At first it was a bit odd to have someone watching me sleep, but after a few nights, I realized that Augustine would rather watch the phone than me drooling on my pillow, and I got used to it.  He even took me home one morning to get clothes and dropped me off again at the hospital.  Again, not a word uttered. I'm really beginning to wonder what his problem is.

"So,"  it was Detective Pearson's shift, and I was feeling brave enough at this point to start questioning him about his partner.  It had been two days and three nights since I had been here.  Today was the third day, and I decided I may very well be with these men for a while, so getting to know the people that guarded me would be a logical decision.   Even if I didn't quite know what or who they where guarding me from.  "What's up with Augustine?"  I asked trying to be as indifferent as possible.

His eye's never left his morning paper when he replied, "Gotcha a little crush on him eh?"   My face felt as if it were on fire.

"No!" I admit the guy was kinda cute, well hot actually, but a crush?  No way.  "No." I said again, more calm this time.   This just earned me a chuckle in response.  

"Really, I don't.  I just mean, why wont he talk to me?  I didn't do anything to the guy, yet he hates me!" 

"Oh, he's just like that sometimes.   He's been in the business for about three years now, but I still can't help but give him crap about acting like a rookie."  Another chuckle.   "He'll come around.  He just has a different way of dealing with things than most."

"How is doing his job 'dealing'?" I asked confused.

"He hasn't had the best of experiences with hospitals."  He replied seriously. "But, if you wanna know more about that, you'll have to ask him.  It's not my place to be tellin' his personal life." 

I nodded in understanding.  It made me curious, but I don't know if it was enough for me to actuality question him about it.

"Okay. Well how about another Berkley story?" I asked excited.   Detective Pearson had studied pre-law at Berkeley for three years before deciding that he would be better suited catching the bad guys instead of defending them.  He was very intelligent, despite his way of speech.  He once told me that it was his way of throwing people off.  A criminal isn't as carefull if the think the person after them is less intelligent then they are.  It had something to do with a feeling of superiority.

"Okay!  This one time, I went out with my buddies to this bar right outside campus.  Well, they all dared me to get up on the bar and start strippin' to 'Like a Virgin.'  Seeing as I was completely smashed by then, I..."  all of a sudden, a code went off in the hospital.

"Code Blue, Code Blue. Dr. Roberto, report to room 303.  Code Blue..."

303, oh no.   Pearson and I were both out of our seats at the same time, running towards my father's room. 

"No, no, no, no..." the only word that would form in my mind.   

We were stopped at the door by nurses who said that we must wait outside.   Even Pearson's flashy badge wasn't enough.  

"What does 'Code Blue' mean?" I asked in a small voice.  

"It's not good Kid.  It usually means resuscitation is needed.  Crap!" He turned away from me. "How could I let this happen? I was supposed to be watching him!" I turned in time to see his fist connect with a door.  This was the first time I have seen him lose his cool, and to be honest, it scared the life out of me.

The beeping behind my father's door was nerve shattering.  My mind telling me I was about to become an orphan and 19 when I heard "Clear!" followed by a serge of electricity. 

I sent silent prayers to Heaven as I heard the process beeing repeated three more times.  Finally, a steady 'Beep...beep... beep.." followed, giving me a sense of ease.

Oh, thank God! Excuse me." I said, stopping the doctor as he exited the room.  "What happened to my Dad?"  Panic laced my voice.

"He went into cardiac arrest.   We were able to resuscitate him, and are going to run some tests to see what the cause was.  We should know more in a few hours." 

I leaned across the doorway to peak into the room.  My father appeared to be asleep, resting well.  

"Thank you doctor. " 

I turned to see Pearson running a hand through his hair.  "Sorry 'bout that."

"It's okay.  Do you mind if we just stay in here for today?"

" No.  I was gonna ask you the same thing."  The once playful look in his eye was gone, replaced by one of determination and anger.

It was going to be a long day.

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