"Hello?" she said. A few seconds went by before her eyes widened and she started shaking.

"What!? How!? Is she okay!?"

I was panicking a little now. What happened?

"I'll be right there," Jillian said to whoever was on the phone.

"That was Zayn. Elizabeth was in a car accident and is in the hospital. We have to go." She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the mall.

"How did you get here?" she asked, still walking fast.

"Paul drove me," I told her.

"Good, we're taking my car."


Move, you piece of junk! Great! We get stuck behind a tractor and Elizabeth could be dying as we speak!

Oh thank god!

We sped down the road, blowing a few stop signs and red lights. Liam was clutching on to his seat for dear life.

"Sorry, I just have to be there," I apologized for my reckless driving. He just nodded, too scared to speak.

I almost fishtailed the back end of the car, pulling into a parking spot as quickly as possible. I burst out of the car door, Liam behind me, running into the hospital.

"Elizabeth Jameson," I panted to the nurse at the front desk.

"In surgery. But you can wait for her in the ER waiting room. A friend of yours is already in there."

I took off running again, knowing exactly where the waiting room was from a past experience. I pushed through the doors and fell into the chair by Zayn.

He was crying. You could tell he was, but it looked like he was trying to stay calm and strong.

"We went for a walk," he hiccuped between sobs. "The driver hit her before I could do anything." He turned to me. "I can't loose her Jill. I can't. She's my everything." I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight as he sobbed, slowly soaking my shirt.

"I know how you feel. She's the only friend I have here. Well, besides you guys. But I don't know you as well." We held each other for a few minutes before I felt another set of arms wrap around us. I looked up to see Liam.

"Sorry I'm a little late, you ran too fast for me to follow," he said.

"Sorry," I muttered, trying hard not to cry.

"Did you call her parents?" Liam asked, suddenly. Zayn's eyes widened a bit as he shook his head 'no'. I sighed, pulling away from the hugging boys. Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I dialed the number that I needed.

"hello?" the person on the other end asked.

"hi, Mrs Jameson. Is Mr Jameson there too?" I asked.

"Hello, honey. And yes he is.... George!" she moved away from the phone to yell for her husband. "What do you need, honey?"

"Elizabeth was in an accident and you need to come to the hospital. I haven't seen her yet, she's in surgery, but her boyfriend is here. Please come down", I said in a rush.

"What's the matter Karen?" I heard Mr Jameson say, distantly.

"Hello?" he had taken the phone.

"Mr Jameson?"

"Yes. Why did you say to make Karen act like this, Jill?" he asked, more curious than angry.

I repeated what I told Mrs Jameson.

"We'll be there soon," he said hanging up.

"That's one hurdle down. Do you want to call the other boys?" I asked Zayn and Liam, turning to face them.

"No, let them sleep worry free," Liam answered. "It's late." as soon as he said it, I noticed that Zayn had fallen asleep on his shoulder. I sat beside Liam, putting my feet on the edge of the chair and hugging my knees to me.

I started thinking about all the good times Elizabeth and I had had. How we met, weird things she liked to eat or do, she was my best friend and I was determined not to lose her.


"Harry? Where's Liam?" I called through the house. Walking around, I tried to find him.

Aww! He was asleep, splayed sideways on my bed. His hair was all tousled on the pillow and the sheets barely covering his waist, where the edge of his boxers should be. Instead, those boxers were a small crumpled heap on the floor. I yawned, stripping down to my boxers and crawling into MY bed, which Harry was in. I just got comfortable on one side of the bed, facing away from Harry, when I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me close to a warm body. I smiled, and fell into the oblivion of dreams.


I couldn't fall asleep. No matter how hard I tried, I felt like something was wrong, something was happening that I should be helping with. I got up and walked to the kitchen, passing Louis's room on the way. Him and Harry were all cuddled up under the sheets. Aww.

I made it to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge. Nothing good, so I decided to make tea.

I set the pot on the stove and turned the burner on. Waiting for it to boil, I walked around. Zayn and Liam weren't home...

I wonder where they are. Zayn's probably with Liz, but Liam doesn't stay out. I'll call him later if he's still gone and I still can't sleep.

I went to check the pot. Seeing the water boiling, I turned the burner off, set up a mug, and poured the hot water. I stood thinking while I danced the tea bags around in the mug by their strings.

Why can't I sleep? If I could, would I dream of my Jillian again? Where was Liam? The last question was the most important right now. He could be kidnapped by some stalker fan! Maybe it's Stalked Sarah!? I've heard about her, she creeped on Justin Bieber, and goes after famous celebrities. Holy shit! Liam was kidnapped by Stalker Sarah!

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing his number as quick as I could. It rang once... Twice... Three times! Before a groggy sounding Liam answered.

"Hello?" his speech was slow.

"You're not drugged are you!? Oh my god, she did get you! Hold on Liam, I'm coming!" I almost hung up, but he spoke again.

"What are you talking about Niall? Who has me? I'm not drugged, just tired," he said with a confused tone.

"Uhmmm... Never mind." I felt stupid now. Stalker Sarah didn't have him. But then, where was he then...?

"Liam? Where are you?" he paused a minute before answering.

"I'm fine Niall, but I'm at the hospital. Liz was in an accident," he said, explaining enough that I didn't have to worry about him. Wait, LIZ!?

"Is she okay!? Is Zayn there!? How's he holding up? Is Liz going to be okay!?"

"We don't know yet, Niall. She's still in surgery. Has been for about 2 hours. It's pretty bad. And yeah, Zayn's here, and one of Liz friends is here, too," he said. He sounded stressed and his voice was thick, almost like he was crying or trying not to.

"I'm coming up," I said, hanging up quickly so he couldn't tell me not to. I needed to be there for Liz, for Zayn. Zayn was one of my best friends, I couldn't let him worry and suffer without someone. Liam was there, but I'm pretty sure he was occupied with helping Liz's friend that was there.

I grabbed a jacket and a set of keys. I took a normal car, not one of the showy ones, so I wouldn't get stopped and recognized. I didn't need that right now.

It took me around 15 minutes to get to the hospital.

Also, i don't really edit. I write on my iPod and save it to an email so i can update from the computer. Sometimes my iPod tried to auto-correct things, so if you find something wrong, please tell me.

OH! and please vote, comment, fan. :) thanks a million.

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