Ice cream

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Shinoa cleared she plans, its the least she could do for Yuu. She walked to the front of the school to see Yuu talking to someone. They were wearing different uniform but looked their age.
Shinoa POV:
Wow cherry boy is popular with girls from other schools to huh? I notice him a bit uncomfortable. Your lord and savior is coming hehe
"Cherry boy"
I ran over and grabbed onto his arm like I was his girlfriend. Hehe looking shocked.
"Sh-Shinoa what are you doing"
"Hm I can't hug my boyfriend~"
"Eh bummer oh well if you ever change your mind Aname then you know where to find us~"
They left us withe everyone looking at us taking a picture.
"Lead the way to the ice cream Yuu"
"Geez fine"
I let go and followed him. Woah this place is so cute. It was like a cat cafe but no live cats only plushes. The flavors were cool as well. And everything was kitty shaped.
"Yuu take a picture of me"
I gave him my phone and to my surprise he was actually good at taking pictures. Girls from our school saw us and started whispering but I didn't care. He got our ice cream, mines was a mint flavor with tiny kitty cat brownies, and Yuu had cookie dough with mini cookie kitties on top. I too a picture of bot of our ice creams and a selfie with us and our ice cream.
"We have come here next time with a better outfits"
"How about Saturday I am free"
"Sure but what are you gonna do with your photos?"
"Put them on my story, whats your @?"
"On insta, or what is your snap?"
"Oh I don't have that"
"What really then lets make one right now"
I can't believe he didn't have snap or insta.
"Here is my user for snap and insta now"
"Good now post something"
"Uh ok"
"Here let me send you this photo so we can both have it on put our snap story"
He followed all his friends and we exchanged numbers.
"Well see you tomorrow Yuu"
"Wait Mika told me its not gentleman to let the girl walk home alone so I should walk you home" He looked kinda flustered, he was scratching his neck. Hehe cherry boy is trying to be a gentleman.
"Alright cherry boy but don't get shocked when you see my house"
"Ok fine by me"
We were walking until he tapped my shoulder.
"Just tell me which way to go" He was pointing at a public bike you bike you can rent. We might look like a couple if I have to hold on to him, oh well its not like anybody will see us.
"Ok sure"
I hopped on the back and held on to him, I told him the directions and when we were riding we somehow saw 7 people from school. We stopped at a very big house.
"Geez you are stupid, well see you tomorrow cherry boy"
"See ya"
He started pedaling away on his bike, I walked in my house, what was i expecting, to be greeted by my family. Yeah right. I head to the bath and just sat there and thought about randoms stuff. That ice cream place was cute. Maybe I should wear a cuter outfit , hehe and get cherry boys reaction. I get up and change.
I check my phone to see a screenshot from Yuu. It was his snapchat, girls found it and is overflowing with streaks. I read the message
I texted him back
"Just send streaks like this"
I show him a pic of and he copies is.
I decide to check his insta and holy shoot! What the heck he has like 800 followers in a day! I check his first post. It was a good picture of him then I look through the photos of the cafe and a selfie of me and him. I check the comments. 'Looking good Aname' 'aw so cute' etc. Geez he sure is popular. I turn my phone off to do my homework, it was peaceful for 5 minutes until i receive a call from Mitsuba.
"What do you mean?"
She sent me a post on Instagram and it didn't really surprise me. It was a photo of me holding onto Yuu's arm and another of us hugging.
"Why would I the cute and adorable Shinoa date a cherry boy"
"Well these pic say otherwise"
"Hehe are you jealous~"
"G-Gotta go n-now bye!"
She ended the call but right after I received a call. Did she decide to call me back. It wasn't Mitsuba. It was Yuu.
"Hey Yuu"
"Hey Shinoa. I finished my homework and decided to do some extra studying can you help me out?"
"Sure but don't you think its better to FaceTime?"
I FaceTime him and he picks up.
"I think it would be better if your camer was on" I said as I tied my hair.
"Uh wait let me put a shirt on"
"Heh did you send a half naked pic to a girl you pervert~"
"N-No" He said as he turned his caner on and showed me what he needed help on. We ended the call because we both had to go eat then went back on. We FaceTimed up until I had to end it to go to sleep.
"Goodnight stupid cherry boy"
"Goodnight" He said with a pout.
I ended the call and went to sleep.
The next day
I wake up and do my usually routine. I go into the car and get a text from Mitsuba.
'Sorry I won't be at school for a while, on a trip with family for a week'
Ah well I guess it will be a bit lonely, Kimizuki is my friend but he is probably gonna have to leave for studying.
I get dropped off and start heading to the classroom. I sigh. Mord rumors, they think I can't hear them.
I see Yuu and his friends walking towards the classroom.
"Yo Shinoa, thanks for helping last night" He smiles to me.
"No problem" I smile back.
I head to the classroom and take my seat. All of a sudden girls start crowding my desk. Ah great what do they want now
"Hey Shinoa are you close with Aname"
"No not really"
"Why were you hugging?"
"Why were you hugging his arm?"
"Are you two dating?"
"I saw them hold hands"
I can't take these question! I start to cover my ears, right asI was about to snap at them Krul come and pulls me away.
"Geez tell them to shut up next time"
"Shinoa don't keep it in u til you snap"
I look to see Krul and Kimizuki both lecturing me
"Guys please no need for lecturing her those girls over there could cause stress to you" Yoichi came walking toward us
"Yuu and Mika are handling them but Krul you might wanna mark your boyfriend" Yoichi said nervously.
"No need for that Yuu has to learn to handle his fan club, oh hey Hiiragi"
"Hey, sorry for causing you trouble"
"Its no big deal Hiiragi" Kimizuki said to me.
"Hey guys I got the sign up sheets for the baseball and Student council"
"Great, Yuu you better pass this exam"
"I will don't worry, Shinoa helped me study" He said while smiling at me.
"Yeah but it was difficult teaching a stupid cherry boy"
"Class take you seats its time for the exam"

Yuu POV:
Thanks to Shinoa it was less difficult. I made sure to study the problem and I used the equations she also showed me.
"Alright hand in your tests"
It was finally passing period and everyone went around my desk including Krul dragging Shinoa.

Shinoa POV:
"You guys want some cookies I got a lot" Yuu said to everyons
"Nah I got some already" Mika responded which led to Krul getting mad.
"Oh Mika has Yuu ever had a girlfriend or even his first kiss~"
That question got everyone to turn to us, even some people in the hall stopped to listen. They are probably shocked I am on a first name basis with Yuu or they just want to know
"Er..well no I haven't had a girlfriend yet, nor did I have my first kiss or first date with a girl" He said scratching his neck.
"So wait the ice cream with Hiiragi didn't count as a date? It seemed like one" Krul said looking confused.
"Of course this idiot won't know what is a date"
"Shut up lamp post!"
Geez guys really are idiots. I wonder hat is everyones reaction? I look around the room to see girl getting more excited since one of them might be Yuu's first kiss.
"Yuu can I have a cookie"
"Sure but you don't need to ask I have a lot, I can never finish them"
"Ok thanks, by the way do you have an extra student council sign up sheet"
"Yeah here you go"
"I am gonna start filling it in right now, you guys should too"
We all filled the sheet in until it was time for the next class. After class some guys pulled me into the hallway to confess but I kindly denied.
After school
Yoichi asked if they all wanted to study and do homework somewhere. Doesn't seem like a bad idea, I have nothing else to do anyways. Everyone agreed and as we were about to leave Yuu and Mika told us they have a childhood friend in 1-C and promised to wait for her. I wonder who her friend is.
"Mika! Yuu! Thanks for waiting!"
"No problem Akane"
"Guys this is Akana Iida, she is our neighbor and childhood friend. Do you mind if she comes and studies with us?" Mika asked while pulling Iida into the group.
"Sure more the merrier" Yoichi said and we all agreed.
"Whose house are we gonna study in?" Krul asked.
"How about my house we can study in my room, anyways I could treat you guys to some of my rice balls!"
"Yuu is good at making rice balls, and his unusual pairing is actually pretty good"
"Ok Yuu and Mika's house it is, lead the way"
At Yuu and Mika's house
It was a apartment that looked small on the outside but pretty roomie on the inside, we made our way to his room and he grabbed the rice balls from the fridge.
"Shinoa since it is your first time here what fo you want cats, panda, or frogs?"
"Ok cat shaped rice balls it is"

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