The end

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*a couple years later*
Josies POV
"Avery get over here" I pick up my daughter and look into her green cute eyes, I love she has the same as her mother's I hear the doorbell ring and Bianey running to open it while Penelope is chasing her they open the door and it's hope and Lizzie with their kids "ahhhh HOPPEYYY" I put down Avery and run over to hope tackling her "hey bitchhhh I've missed you" Penelope smacks me in the back of the head for swearing "my bad love" bianey and Avery go play with Hayley and Klaus
Pens POV
"Hey lizzie" I go up and hug her "hey how you been pen" we say as we go and sit down and drink our tea
"Good, hows kids goin for you"
"Stressing but hope takes most of it she's good with kids"
"haha Yea hows kids for you pen"
"Good Like hope, Josie takes most"
We hear the door bell ring and it's Caroline and Penelopes mom
"Heyyyy!" Josie runs to give my mom a hug and ask her how she is Then everyone starts coming me and Josie threw a thanksgiving party, we are glad everyone came, Josie started the music and everyone started Talking and Catching up I was playing with the kids And feeding them snacks, I look over to Josie and See her smiling and happy, I love her so much I can't believe I got the girl And she's all mine, I love seeing her smile and happy like this it warms my heart I'm so glad she's mine, she notices me staring and blushes and winks smh weirdo
Josies POV
I notice Penelope staring and wink at her, Blushing at her is just a natural thing now, I still get all the butterflies and everything I'm glad I got her
Penelopes POV
everyone gathered around the Table and I stood up to make a speech "I just wanna thank everyone for coming today And celebrating With us, I'm grateful for all of you And so glad you are in my life, I hope you all have a great thanksgiving" I look at Josie Again and smile
Who knew being a babysitter led to me finding the love of my life

The end

That's the end of the book! I wanna thank everyone who stuck here and read till the end, I hope you guys have a good day I'm grateful for you guys who read this, Signing out-Athena

babysitter or Lover? *Posie* *completed*Where stories live. Discover now