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I sat down on the Plane seat impatient
This is really dangerous
I thought to myself
I can't do this, what if Caroline finds out and does something
Its to late now
Penelopes POV
I get off the plane and grab my suitcase and start walking to were hope told me were she would meet me
"Oh my God Penelope you don't know how worried we were" hope Says and she Burst into my arms into a hug
"I'm sorry, you know how dangerous it was if she even saw me texting you"
"Come on lets get you home" hope says

It took us about an hour, to get to josies house, to be honest, I was excited, I needed to see josie, I need to feel her warm touch that always made me feel safe and loved, I needed to feel her warm Lips that always tasted like different fruits, its probably always her lip balm, but I didn't mind, I loved the taste, I needed to see her eyes sparkle into mine every time she saw me, or how I would see love in her eyes, I always felt safe with her
"What are you thinking?"
Hope asks still staring at the road
"Josie, how was she?"
"Like crap to be honest, she hardly got out of bed, she hardly ate, she would stare in bed looking at photos of you, She was like a zombie"
"I didn't know it affected her so much, It did to me to atleast, I was always sad, I didn't wanna get out of bed but I had to, I made a friend named brandon, he helped me alot actually, I always missed josie, I would stare at pictures of us to, u don't know how badly I wanted to call her and tell her I love her and stuff, but I know she couldn't , her mothers a pain in the ass, how could she do that to her own daughter?"
"Well Josie and her mom never actually had a mother daughter relationship , they hardly talked, they never interacted as much, her mother was always at work, Josie was either doing her piano, or Just doing whatever or watching her siblings Her dad, we don't know she never told me"
"now I see why Caroline has no regret or doesn't even care that much that she did this"
"Are you staying?"
Hope asks
" I can't you know this"
"Tell her you have to stay because your mother is getting worse,
"Yea but she will send people to look after me making sure I don't even get near josie"
"I still don't get why she doesn't want you with Josie"
"Neither do I"
" thanks for everything hope, I love you"
"I love you to, now go get your girl"
Hope says helping me with my suitcase and driving away
I always knew they had a spare key under the Vase of a flower they had, which was pretty stupid if u think about it
I open the door hopefully not making much noise, I was Impatient and needed to see josie Now, I closed the door locking it not even bothering to bring my suitcase up and rushed upstairs to josies room
I carefully open it revealing Josie in shorts and my hoodie
She looked cute as always
I walk over to her sitting down Pushing a piece of her hair out of her face Revealing her eyes puffy from crying "im sorry baby" I whispered to see Josies eyes opening "pen....." She said Quickly Sitting up "Penelope?!" She said as she Leaped into my arms into a hug "Hi, I'm here, I'm here now" I say as Josie cries into my arms she pulls away looking into my eyes, as I stare into her eyes I see pain, and hurt But it turned into love once it meeted with mine "Why did you leave?" Josie asks Her voice almost cracking "I had to baby, I couldn't risk getting this family hurt"
"I need you"
"I know, I need you to, I'm sorry"
"Are you staying??"
"For 2 weeks" I say pushing a strand of josies hair behind her ear
"I'm sorry" I say again as I felt the soft lips I've been craving all this time on mine, I miss this, the feeling of being safe, loved,
"I love you" she whispered
"I love you to, always and forever "
I said Feeling Josie pull me into a cuddle falling a sleep fast, we were both exhausted
Penelopes POV
I wake up to see Josies Head on my chest and our legs intertwined under the blankets, I stare at Josie for about 5 minutes, Feeling how much I missed her touch, Her scent, that always smelled like Strawberry and just a scent you never get Annoyed of

"Staring is rude" she says as I let out a laugh "can you blame me?"
"We got to talk"
"Oh no that doesn't sound good
"Its not bad"
"What is it"
I say sitting up
"I still wanna be with you pen, I need you, and I still love you, I won't ever stop, I need you in my life, your my other piece , you made me feel something I never felt In my life, Will you still be my girlfriend"
I sigh not knowing what to answer, I had to go back to Belgium in 2 weeks, I can't do this to josie, the long relationship , I won't even be able to talk to her, I can't make her wait, I also can't visit every month, her mom will get suspicious
"I don't know baby, I need you to, your the love of my life, Your my other piece , but I can't do that to you, the long distance , I can't" I say my voice trembling
"Then don't go pen"
"I cant, you seen what your mother can do"
"I won't let her, well figure something out, please pen don't go"
"Ill see what I can do"
She nodded in response as we headed downstairs so I can meet Jack Cole and Eric again
What the heck am I gonna do now, I need josie, but what am I gonna do with caroline, she's gonna get suspicious

Authors note*
Ima add some cute posie things in the next part, because we all need cute posie things :)

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