Chapter 16

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Quick question: do I take too long to update? Or is it pretty quick? 

Anyway, I realised my blurb, again, doesn't make sense, so when Marinette tells everyone about her life story, pretend she got Adrien and Nino to leave because she didn't feel comfortable talking about her abuse with them. Adrien and Nino do hear Chloe's story, just not Marinette's. So Adrien does know about her being Bakery-Girl, but he doesn't know about her abuse. Therefore, when you read the blurb and then the story, hopefully it'll make more sense. 

I did go back and make those changes but it might've confused y'all if you didn't realise I'd updated the chapters a bit. I just thought I'd try and clear up some potential future confusions, instead of deleting it like the Evil-Luka part. That part of the blurb was my favourite part. Also, the love square is like the one in the actual Miraculous. I figured out how to make it work.


~Marinette's POV~

Well... The fuck? 

"Tikki, if you can hear me, I want my normal clothes back now!"

No response.

I check my phone, since that's what made me find this miraculous. 

"Holy shit, Alya's gonna get hurt!" I climb up my ladder and open my trap door onto the balcony. "Alright... time to figure out how to use this super - yo-yo thing. If I just throw this thing onto that." I throw the yo-yo onto a statue-thing and wrap it around. "And I just tug it now?" I tug it slightly and I go flying into the air. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I scream as I ungracefully fling myself into the air and accidentally crash onto somebody who seems to have been trying to tight-rope on a stick. 

"AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." I scream. I can't let both of us die. I just manage to tie my yo-yo around his baton, our heads inches away from the ground. 

"I'm so, so, so sorry about that!" I get off the boy, and take in his suit. Hold on, that's Cat Black. I'm assuming it's not the one from 10 years ago though. This one looks pretty, uh.. fit. His must've been passed down like mine was. I'm definitely not Coccinelle. She had skill and grace, unlike me.

"Hi there. Pleasure to see you dropping in." 

"Oh god, you're a joker." I facepalm. Why?!

"Well, I'm not the one who nearly just killed us both." 

"Touche... So, who are you?" 

"I'm... Chat Noir. That's got a nice ring to it."

My eyes widen and my breath stiffens. Chat Noir? My Chat Noir?! The one from a really long time ago Chat Noir?! "What?!" I ask, startled. Maybe I didn't hear it right. I probably imagined it since he's a guy in a black cat costume, like Cat Black. 

"Chat Noir. Why?" Holy shit, it's true. He really is Chat Noir. "Are you okay?! You look a bit pale..." 

"Y-yeah, it's cool. I'm cool. We're all cool." I facepalm. "Let's just go see what Papillion Faucon is up to." 

I follow Chat Noir over to the Eiffel Tower where a bunch of darkened butterflies are in the air in the shape of Papillion Faucon's face. Behind them, is the man himself.

"I am Papillion Faucon, except I'm not going to be a good guy. See, years ago, something for me was stolen from me and I want it back, so with the power of Cat Black and Coccinelle's miraculous', I will  get her back!" he screams. "Oh, and call me Hawk Moth now. Those two stupid "heroes" are going to pay the price of STEALING from me." With that he unleashes and a second set of butterflies and sends them towards an ombre brunette who was cycling towards him.

No... Alya. Alya's going to get hurt! She's ran over to Hawk Moth. Oh dear Lord. Guess it's time to try and be a hero. "HEY!" I scream, and all eyes are on me. I swing over to Alya, grab her and stand tall at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.

"Oh my god, it's Coccinelle."

"Hey look, it's Cat Black too!" 

"Wow, they're going against their old partner."

"Damn, friendship tea~." 

"I'm not Coccinelle. I'm ... I'm Ladybug, a newer, clumsier," I say that last bit quietly, "younger and just as amazing," that's definitely a lie, but oh well, "version of her. I'm sure we can defeat Hawk Moth. I don't know what the other generation of Miraculous Holders supposedly stole from you, but you do not have to turn to the dark side."

"Yes I do, puny little bug. I will get my revenge and hold the ultimate power!" 

Ouch. "Well then, I guess it's a war. I promise you Hawk Moth, we will find you and you'll give us your miraculous! TIME TO DE-EVILISE!" I wrap my yo-yo around the many butterflies multiple times and point it upwards, and release the beautiful, purified butterflies into the air.

Everyone is shell-shocked. Maybe it'll be over quickly if I just snatch Hawk Moth's miraculous now. When I turn around, he's gone. Oh well. I guess more time with Chat Noir. "Hey Chat." I say, when I jump down onto the ground. 

"Hey, M'lady." 

"M'lady? Where'd you get that from?" 

"Well, you're Ladybug and my partner so ... M'lady." 

"Okay, Pun-Boy." 

"Wow, amazing nickname." 

"Alright then, how about kitty." 


"You're my kitty now." I smile. 

"Thanks, but just kitty is fine. My eyes are on a different prize." 

Ouch... It didn't hit me at that moment, but he meant Marinette. Maybe if I'd realised that sooner, then I would've solved many future problems, but at the same time, maybe I wouldn't have met my love the way I did.

And no matter what, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Sorry for le short chapter and lots of confoozun and explaining. Sorry! I'm kinda a free-writer. I ain't bothered to preplan, you know.

Probably why I've got so much overdue work and why I always flunk exams. 

Wait no, that's cause I never revise.



Peace out y'all

Cinnamon, ✌🏽

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