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You got this Y/N, you got this", you said to yourself as you stepped near your class.
You shifted to Busan last month. Your parents stayed back because you were grown up and since the start you wanted to study in Busan. You bought a nice and pretty comfy apartment that was a 10 minutes walk from your school. Your school was pretty good, and you were nervous. It was your first day.
You finally entered the first class. There were students everywhere in small groups chatting and gossiping. You were an introvert, you didnt even talk to people much, especially boys, in your previous school. You constantly looked down on the floor and went to the last corner seat. It was pretty different as there were two seaters in the class. Every seat was full, except one, with a boy on one seat and his bag lying on the other one.
" Is this seat free?" You asked gathering all your courage. The boy looked pretty good, his hairs were neat and he wore a black shirt and ripped jeans with a denim jacket -- plain but awesome. He looked at you, gave you a warm smile amd shifted his bag to his side.
You gently sat down. Still looking at the floor.
"You're new?" He asked. His voice was angelic. The gentle vibes he gave off made you feel comfortable.
"Y--yes" you said.
"Cool, dont worry, you'll like it in here. Everyone is friendly. Bu the way I'm Jimin, Park Jimin. You?" He said and shifted his hand in front of me for a handshake.
I softly shaked hands and said "I am Y/N, nice to meet you".
" Nice to meet you too" he smiled and looked to the front as the teacher arrived and everyone stood up to wish her.
"She's our english teacher" he slowly whispered.
You had such a luck that all your subject classes matched his and you two sat together. Jimin always introduced you to people who came to talk to him. He was right, people were indeed friendly. Everyone greeted you with a smile. You felt welcomed.
At the lunch break, he guided you to the cafeteria. "What do you wanna have?" He asked.
"Umm...I dont eat much. Hopefully these sandwiches will do." You were unusually comfortable with him, like you knew him since a long time. He and the other people you met didnt make you feel like a new student at all. You were so thankful.
"Oh ok, I guess I'll take fries and this burger please" He said to the vendor.
As you guys got your meals served, he took you to a seat, and two of you sat down, facing eachother.
As you started eating, taking small bites like a hamster, you looked around the place.
"So, y/n...when did you come to Busan?" Jimin suddenly asked, starting a conversation.
"Last month. Busan was my dream destination to study." You said, trying your best not to look ugly in front of him while you devoured the sandwich.
"Great" he smiled. His smile was just so calming, like an angel.
Jimin and you soon started to converse about your and his life. He seemed a really friendly and nice guy, coming from a simple family. You both talked and laughed till you heared the bell for your last class.
"Lets go, I dont wanna be late on my first day." You said, making Jimin giggle. You liked that you made him laugh, or maybe, giggle.
You got your books from the locker, Jimin's locker was a few steps away from yours.
He waited for you as you closed your locker door.
"Quick quick, dashi run run run" Jimin acted like a dork, a cute dork. And you liked it. You laughed at his craziness.
The first day of your school finally ended. It was much more good than you expected. And Jimin was the main reason behind this. You smiled to yourself and waved to a few people Jimin introduced you to. One of the girls came up to you with a bright smile on her face. You remembered Jimin introducing you to her. You recalled and finally your brain caught the girl's name as Lisa.
"Hey y/n-ah!" Lisa came up to you.
"Hey!" You said with a smile.
"Wanna hang out with all of us tomorrow? It'll be fun and you'll know more people too" Lisa assured you.
"Yeah of course" you said. It felt so good to be invited to a gathering. Lisa assured you.
Lisa handed you a piece of paper with her number on it.
"Call me once you reach home, ok?"
"Yupp, bye!" You waved to Lisa as she ran back to her girl group again.
You started walking back to home while you felt a hand on your shoulders. You startled a bit.
"Chill, its me" you turned around to find Jimin. You were relieved because your mind lead your thoughts to being kidnapped or something. You were sometimes too dramatic in simple stuff.
"Oh hey Jimin" you smiled as Jimin followed your walking.
You two started chatting as you both walked side by side along the way. You thought Jimin might be living somewhere near your apartment as you almost reached your apartment building and he was still on the same way as yours.
"Where do you live?" He asked.
"You see that purple building? I live there" you pointed to a couple of buildings almost 20 steps away from you and him.
"What?! Oh my gosh I live there too!" Jimin's face lit up.
"Really? Great! Wanna come to my house after freshing up?" You asked. You suddenly felt so happy that Jimin lived in the same apartment. This was the best of the coincidences that happened.
"Of course!" Jimin said as he held your hand and walked.
You smiled and blushed a little. Jimin smiled at your reaction.
You both walked along reaching the apartment building. You waved to Jimin as he headed to his flat for freshing up. You were happy that you made new friends on the very first day. And maybe a really close friend, Park Jimin.

New Student - Jimin Fan fiction (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now