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"Oh my gosh! What just happened?" Regan questioned her cousin while jumping on the balls of her feet.

"Be quiet, you nincompoop! He's in the bathroom. Not back at his house." Jamysen loudly whispered while she tackled Regan and threw her hand over her mouth.

"Jamysen," She wiggled free from her cousin's grasp, "You just kissed the most popular guy at school, he asked you to be his date to the winter formal, and he said 'for now'."

"Whatever. Don't make a big deal of it." Jamysen turned her back to her cousin as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her skinny jeans. Her cousin awkwardly rocked from her heel to her toe and bit her lip as she hummed a foreign tune.

"Oh I just can't hold it in! This is the-" Before she could continue, Jamysen, again, tackled her cousin and slapped her hand over her mouth.

"I swear on my dead mother's grave, if you say anything I will-" Right as she began hissing at Regan, Kevin walked out of the bathroom. He loudly cleared his throat for the girls to known that he was there. Jamysen quickly backed away from her cousin and threw her hands behind her back as she stuck a large grin on her face. "Uh. Hey, I have to go home now."

"Oh. Um. Alright. See you Monday." Jamysen slowly dropped her arms from feeling discouraged.

"See you Monday!" Kevin shouted over his shoulder as he walked out the front door. Jamysen suddenly dropped to her knees and sighed deeply.

"What just happened?" She questioned calmly.

"You opened your chest box," Regan replied with hand motions of opening a lock by her chest and sound effects of a creaky door opening, "Grabbed your heart, ripped it out, and just like the old lady from Snow White you creepily said 'Here's my heart'," She bent over as an older woman would as she cupped her hands, "And you know what he did?" She stood straight, with her hands still cupped and suddenly tossed the imaginary heart on the floor and, with squeaky sound effects, stomped on it and twisted her foot.

"You descirbe things like a preschool teacher." Jamysen replied quietly.

"You gonna pay me like a teacher?" She replied with much sass, "'Cause a dolla' makes me holla' Honey Boo Boo!"

"You watched that, too?" Jamysen answered quickly lifting her head back up.

"Mhm. You better redneckognize!" Regan snapped her fingers before turning to walk back into the kitchen.


Saturday night passed while Jamysen laid in her bed and Regan watched TV downstairs in the living room. When Jamysen woke up Sunday morning, she noticed that the bedroom door was open, but Regan was gone. She began to think about what had happened the day before and she turned on her stomach and burried her head under her pillow. "Gosh I hate my life." She loudly moaned into her pillow. Regan entered the room carrying a tray of pancakes and stopped in the doorway once she noticed her cousin was still laying in bed. "Jamysen?" She called out to the lump across the room.

"Huh." Jamysen mumbled with her head still covered.

"Are you alseep?" She questioned cautiosly.

"No. I'm training to die." Her cousin replied sarcastically.

"Really?" Before answering, Jamysen sat up and looked at her cousin.

"Do you want sarcasm again?" Regan quickly shook her head and proceeded to her cousin's bed with the tray for breakfast.

"I brought you something to eat," She set down the tray on Jamysen's lap, "I thought you might want to do something today. Get your mind off it."

"I don't know. I have homework to do and I just don't want to go anywhere." She replied quietly while cutting her pancakes.

"We don't have to go anywhere! I saw this one thing that Cathy did at her sixteenth birthday party. Messy Twister. Okay, so what you do is you lay out-"

"Did you make bacon?" Jamysen interrupted.

"Uh. No. Why?"

"Can you make bacon? I need meat."

"I guess," Regan quickly stood up and rushed out of the bedroom, "I didn't think you needed meat."

"I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian!" Her cousin shouted as she exited the room. Jamysen sighed and laid her head back on her pillow for a few seconds until the phone rang. She reached to the phone sitting on her nightstand and slapped it against her ear before looking at who it was. "Hello?"

"Hello, Number One. What are you up to?" Laci's smooth, calm voice echoed through Jamysen's head.

"Oh you know. The usual. Just hangin' out. Being amazing and beautiful. Not your kinda thing, though. What about you?" She thought about all of the rude comments she could throw at Laci as she looked at her newly painted nails.

"Oh you're so full of jokes! I'm just sitting in my room. How would you like to come to a party tonight?"

"No thanks. I'd rather hear about your sucky hangover tomorrow than listen to your drunken rants tonight."

"Are you sure? Come on, Sweetheart! It'll be fun!"

"Listen, Laci. I don't know why you called me and invited me to this lame party because I sure do know that we are not friends. Also, not to mention, I've just insulted you about ten times and you haven't done anything. Are you feeling alright?"

"Whatever, Loser! Your life sucks and we all know it! I was just trying to be nice to Number One, but I actually don't know why I called you either! I guess I shouldn't try to make friends."

"Laci, are you already drunk? I heard day drinking is bad for your health."

"You're just a stupid good girl!"

"Good girls are just bad girls that don't get caught. And lucky for you, there's probably a police camera attached to your forehead."

"Goodbye!" Jamysen pulled the phone away from her head and threw it across the room.

"I swear every time she calls us it ends that way." Jamysen mumbled to herself. Her cousin quickly ran up the stairs with her plate of bacon and entered the bedroom.

"Who called?" Regan questioned as she placed the bacon on the breakfast tray.

"Laci. Invited us to a party. But you probably know how that ended." Jamysen answered nonchalantly.

"You declined?! Are you insane? That's what we could have done for today!" Her cousin shouted.

"No. I just want to relax. Besides, I already insulted her with almost ten drinking jokes."

"You're an idiot." Regan sighed before laying down by Jamysen's feet.

"But I'm your idiot!" She replied with a large grin across her face.


I know this is a short chapter, but I thought I needed to update. I will work on something for the next update, I promise! :) Thank you guys so much for reading this! It means so much to me! I mean as I update this I think it has 2,000 reads! It feels so good to hear people tell me "Update please!" Thank you so much! You will never know how much it means!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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