Aunt Lorna and Tomorrow

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"You monster!" Regan screeched as she lunged herself at her father. The tall man tumbled to the floor, with Regan sitting ontop of him, throwing her hands at his face. Although, Regan had her hands open and barely hurting him, she continued to slap him. "Lorna!" Jamysen screamed, running to her aunt. She noticed the large gash through Lorna's abdomen area and left bicep. Her aunt was laying helplessly on the floor, in a pool of blood, gasping for air. "Let go! Jamysen!" She shot her head in the direction of where her cousin was and saw her attacker lifting Regan into the air. Trying to think fast, she quickly grabbed a flower vase and threw it at her uncle's face. It hit his head and broke into a million pieces, while the monster fell to the floor. Regan wiggled from his grasp and sat staring at him, trying to see if he was knocked out. "Call 911. Jamysen. Now." Jamysen dashed to the kitchen and grabbed the home phone. "911, what's your emergency."

Jamysen sat on the cold floor as she wrapped her arms around her legs. She couldn't bear to stare at the all white walls anymore and burried her head inbetween her legs and chest. The steps echoed through the hallway, but for a moment, they all stopped and all she could hear was her own breath. "Jamysen Reyes?" A deep voice echoed through the hall and she shot her head up. "Would you like to see-" Ignoring the man, Jamysen stood up quickly and entered the hospital room. She saw the woman laying on the bed, with millions of wires attached to her, and her cousin holding her left hand. "Lorna!" She exclaimed, running to her aunt.

"Hi, Sweetheart." Aunt Lorna answered, weakly, wrapping her right arm around Jamysen. Jamysen backed away from the bed a bit and wiped her eyes. "You've never called me 'Sweetheart'" She said, chuckling.

"She's a little loopy." Regan replied, smiling. Jamysen pulled a chair close to her aunt's bed and sat down.

"I'm sorry." She said grabbing Lorna's right hand.

"No, I'm sorry." Lorna replied.

"Mom, for what? You're the one in the hospital." Regan interrupted, chuckling.

"I ruined your shopping trip." Regan and Jamysen shook their heads and snickered at the woman's remark. Jamysen and Regan stayed with Lorna for a few more hours, laughing at her continuous jokes, when the doctor, who invited Jamysen in, entered the room. "I recommend that the two of you go home now. It is about 11 o'clock now and Ms. Jones needs to sleep." Regan nodded her head and stood up. She bent over and kissed her mother's forehead, before leaving the room. Jamysen pushed her chair back against the wall and turned to leave, but her aunt called for her. "Jamysen."

"Yes?" She responded and turned around.

"Make sure Regan stays out of my wallet." Jamysen laughed and nodded her head.


Jamysen lazily dragged her feet as she made her way to her first period class. She hadn't slept for one minute the night before, because she had been worrying about her aunt the entire time. She sat down in the seat next to Kevin again and slouched. "Hey, Jamysen." Kevin said, flashing his smile.

"Hey." She responded hoarsely.

"You look tired."

"I am."

"Here." Kevin pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his backpack and handed them to Jamysen.

"Thanks." She replied, slipping the black Ray-Ban sunglasses over her eyes. The bell rang and Mr. Garfield stood up to begin class, but noticed the black squares covering Jamysen's eyes. "Jamysen, please remove the glasses." He demanded.

"She's wearing them to protect her eyes from my beautiful smile." Laci turned around to face Jamysen as she interrupted.

"Yea, your smile is like the sun! Blinding!" Aurora emphasized.

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