The Mall Cont.

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As she shuffled through the rack of clothing, Jamysen noticed a bright green something. She grabbed it and slung the piece of clothing over her forearm. Jamysen continued looking through the rack, when she heard a sudden scream in the quiet store. "Jennifer!" She shot her head up and scanned the store to see who would be yelling. After finding no one, she shook her head and continued to another rack of neon skirts. "Jennifer!" Again, Jamysen looked up and decided to find who was screaming in the peaceful store. Once she stepped off the padded carpet onto the tile, she saw who was searching for someone. Laci, Maisy, and Aurora. Hurriedly, she ran from standing vulnerably in the middle of the tile walkway, to hiding in a different rack of clothing. "Why me? Why now?" She whispered as she watched the three of them look around like idiots.

"Are you sure her name is Jennifer?" Laci question her followers.

"I don't know! It starts with J." Aurora answered, twirling her hair.

"Try Jasmine." Maisy told Laci.

"Jasmine!" Laci called out again. What idiots, Jamysen thought.

"Try it again." Maisy said, quietly.

"You try it again! I'm sick of this! Just call Kevin!" Laci screamed at her only friends. Aurora quickly whipped out a phone and speedily dialed a phone number. Oh no, Jamysen thought, Kevin? My Kevin? "Hey, Kev Kev! Do you remember the name of that girl from school today?" Aurora practically giggled into the phone. "Kev Kev?" Jamysen repeated to herself. "Alright, thanks BooBear! Love ya! Bye Bye!" Aurora squealed into the phone and slammed it close. "Jamysen." Aurora told Laci, calmly.

"Jamysen!" Laci called. Poor girl, Jamysen thought, wait. That's me!  Got to get out of here! Jamysen quickly tried to maneuver out of the rack of clothing and run to the exit of the store, or at least to another side. But as she was climbing out, her foot got stuck onto the bottom piece of metal, causing Jamysen, and the rack, to go tumbling to the floor. "Crap!" Jamysen yelled.

"Oh there she is! Hi, Jamysen!" Aurora squealed, waving her perfectly manicure hand.

"Hello, Jamysen." Laci said in a sultry voice, "What's up?" She placed her hands on her knees and glared at Jamysen laying helplessly on the floor.

"Obviously not her!" Aurora giggled.

"Shut up." Laci snapped, not taking her glare off of Jamysen, "So what are you doing here?"

"Shopping. Cut to the chase. What do you want?" Jamysen snapped, wiggling to get out from under the metal rack.

"We apologize for what happened at school today. Some people are just so mean! It's unbearable!"

"Yea. Sure." Jamysen mumbled.

"You don't think it was me, do you?" Laci stood up and laid a manicured hand across her bare chest.

"I have no reason not to think it was you." Jamysen replied, still wiggling.

"Oh here, let me help you!" Laci squealed grabbing a piece from the metal rack.

"If you want me to get up quicker so I can punch you, go ahead."

"Oh, okay. Sorry. Well, we'll just get going. See you at school tomorrow!" Laci waved her fingers as Aurora and Maisy followed her to the exit. The trio walked past Regan, who was on her way to her cousin, when Laci winked at her. Regan quickly ran to where Jamysen was laying and helped lift the rack off her flattened cousin. "Did Laci do this?" She questioned worryingly.

"No. I was trying to run away from her and I kind of fell." Jamysen mumbled, humiliated.

"Oh, good." Regan replied, picking up her cousin's pile of clothing, "This is what you picked for me?" She questioned looking through the colorful collection of tank tops, T-shirts, and skinny jeans.

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