Chapter 3 - Tokyo Daylight

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A/N This is a little bit of a filler chapter, and I won't be able to update next week cause I'm going somewhere without internet. Thanks for all the love this story is getting!I also released a new one shot miraculous fic that you can check out!

"Adrien wishes to be taken out of his modelling and fencing extracurricular activities"

"What? No, that's what his entire future and relationship with the media-"

"Exactly. By announcing the end of Adrien's modeling career, you can keep him safe" Gabriel opened his mouth to speak, but Nathalie ignored him and continued "He will soon fade out of the spotlight and less fans will fall in love with him if the content promoting him stops playing everywhere they turn. Even if it doesn't stop Aubade, it might help lessen her damage and amount of victims. Not to mention... I know you love Adrien, he's all you have and you want to help him but... sometimes you just need to let Adrien figure himself out and tell you what he-" Nathalie inhaled, stopping her ranting and lowering her head "I apologize, sir. It was merely a suggestion"

Gabriel shook his head, turning back to his tablet and smiling slightly "It's alright. I- your right. I need to take Adriens point of view into account" he paused, nervously making eye contact with his assistant and blushing "Thank you... for everything, really. You can always bring me back and show me a different light. I- I really don't know what I would do without you"

Nathalie flushed, wringing her hands together, a few seconds from combusting on the spot as she admired the floor tiles and a tense silence spawned between the two. "I- errr, I should get going. The private investigator we've hired will be arriving at the airport soon and I've promised to fetch her"


The ride to Gabriel Agreste's mansion would have been silent, if it weren't for an intimidated Alex Kennedy sitting in the backseat. In the backseat, next to the Tokyo Daylight. What had he gotten himself into. He was just an assistant detective, a young recruit who had only gotten himself involved in the Aubade case because of a theory that he was sure would get him killed. Instead he sat in a dark lamborghini, Gabriel Agreste's lamborghini, with a burly guard driving the fancy car, a very scary personal assistant typing something on a tablet and one of the top private investigators in both Japan and America munching on gum in the seat next to him. Out of everyone here, he was most likely to be Aubade.

And so, as someone would do in such a tense situation, Alex filled the car with words. Random questions directed to no one in particular as well as random fun facts about himself and his co-workers were spewed as Alex internally wished himself dead. Tokyo, while quiet and never leading the conversation, answered questions she felt were important. By the time they had reached the Agreste mansion, Alex had learned that while her mother was of Japanese descent, she was born in America and named Tokyo because of her parents' hatred for America and dream to someday live in Japan. Sadly, her parents passed away before they could raise enough money, and Tokyo eventually moved to Kyoto to become a private investigator. "Alright" Alex thought "wasn't expecting to unlock Tragic Backstory ™ until a few chapters later but this'll do".

Soon the group was herded into Gabriel Agreste's office and Tokyo was informed of Paris' situation (she was a little confused on why they weren't trying to arrest Hawkmoth and instead left Paris in the hands of two animal-themed teenagers, but okay). 

Overall, the meeting flew by and Tokyo was soon being escorted to her hotel by the rambling detective who was apparently going to be her partner for this case. As the red-head shuffled away after agreeing to meet at a park tomorrow to discuss their next plan of action, Tokyo closed the door and started unpacking her suit-case. This seemed like a case she could deal with. Soon she'd be back home, playing with her nieces and listening to her siblings whine about life. If she could just figure out some sort of lead... maybe she'd get some croissants for the brainstorming.


"So far, I think we could talk to those close to the Agreste's, specifically Adriens classmates or friends. Maybe inform them of the possibility of an obsessive and dangerous fan, to keep them on the lookout"

Tokyo nodded, chewing on her bagel and flipping thru the files spread out across the picnic table. While many would think it unsafe to have confidential documents out in public, Tokyo had done it many times before and worked best whilst in parks or nature. Plus, the park across from the Dupain-Cheng bakery wasn't very full, save for a few little kids and parents. "I think it would be best to make our way back to the mansion. We can ask Mr. Agreste who Adrien is close with or around the most. Maybe we can even drop by the recent crime scene on our way there"

Alex nodded with a wince "Yeah... there was another Aubade attack last night. With her lack of pattern it's nearly impossible to track her down and it's terrifying to not now when or where she's going to attack"

Tokyo nodded, picking up the files around her and waving goodbye to the bakery girl before following Alex to the crime scene and examining the body. By the time the two private investigators had returned to the Agreste mansion, Tokyo was craving a Dupain-Cheng pastry and Alex was fussing over the fact that they hadn't found anything new during their thirty minute period with the body and police officers at the crime scene.

"You want to interview Adrien's friends? You want to tell them of your suspicions concerning Aubade?"

"Yes sir. We believe it could help to have extra eyes closer to your son". The words "We can't be the ones to keep in eye on him because you aren't letting anyone in the same room as Adrien" were left unsaid.

"Do you realize how dangerous that is for him?" Gabriel started, eyes still trained on his wife's portrait. "His friends are teenagers, children who can't keep a secret to save their lives, especially not from someone they consider their friend. That's a big thing these days, telling your friends everything, a "no secrets" kind of deal. Over everything, I prioritize my son's mental, emotional and physical well-being. Find a way to track down Aubade without interviews from my son's friends. No one is going to involve Adrien in this"


"Well, there goes all our work" Alex huffed, rubbing his temples and holding the files tighter to his chest as the two walked out of the Agreste mansion. "What are we supposed to do now?"

"Wait for monday to come" when Alex gives her a questioning glance, Tokyo pulls out a miniature device, almost like one you'd see in a spy movie. "This is a tracking device. Adrien goes to school monday, and I put one on his backpack so we can put the rest of them-" she pulls out a tupperware full of little miniature devices "-on his classmates"

"You're so goddamn cool. But isn't that going against what Mr. Agreste told us?"

"I have a family to get back home to. I'm not going to spend months in Paris trying to find a serial killer with stupid guidelines from the person who hired me. Plus, he'll never know if we don't tell him" she brings a finger to her lips and makes the "shhh" motion before walking off to her hotel room.

Alex can only stare in awe at the detective's closed door. 

Word Count - 1310

Detransform - All the Things She Feels SequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora