Chapter 9

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After talking with Gemma, Happy came in so I walked up to him. "Hey Happy do you do piercings?" I asked when I got to him. "I can. Why you want one?" He asked smirking. "We'll duh." I told him sarcasticly. "Okay where?" He asked. "My belly button." I told him. He nodded and led me to the garage where Tig, Jax, Tara, Juice and Chibs were. "What you two doing?" Tig asked. "Happy is gonna pierce my belly button." I said while happy led me to the table. "Lay down and lift up your shirt." He told. I did as I was told. "Damn." I heard tig say. "What?" I asked him "you look good." Juice said looking me up and down. I giggled "been four years boys a lot has changed." I told them as happy cleaned the area the piercing was going. "It might hurt a little." He told me, I nodded and two seconds later there was a big pinch but I didn't show it. "Alright all done." He said. "Let us see it doll." Tig said helping me up. belly-button-piercing "Damn you do look good." Jax said as Tara just stared at me.
"Thank you. Can anyone help me tie this in the back so my shirt doesn't irritate it. " I asked. Juice nodded and walked behind me as I handed him a hair tie. Once he finished he stepped away. "Thank you Juicy." I said he nodded and smiled. I walked over to happy and kissed his cheek. "Thanks Hap." I told him smiling. "No problem babe." He told me. I turned around and started walking out when someone hit my ass. I turned around and saw Tig laughing. "Oh your such a pervert." I said kissing his cheek. "And that's all your getting from me." I said turning around and walking back into the bar.
When I walked in I saw Kozik. "Kozik!" I yelled. "There's my sexy ass girl." He said walking over to me. I jumped in his arms, and wrapped my legs around his waist as he spun me around. Then someone cleared his throat. Kozik dropped me and we turn around and see Jax standing there with Tara, hanging off his arm like a lost puppy. "How do you two know each other?" He asked. "Well when Happy came like he did on my every shift he brought Kozik with him so yeah." I said as Kozik wrapped is arm around my waist.
"I'm sure he enjoyed the show." Tara mumbled under her breath. "Yeah he did and so did the other dancers I did more dancing then you could probably ever do bitch." I told her. "Babe why don't you just show them?" Koz told me. "Your right Koz." I said smirking and walking into the middle of the room. "And it's not always pole dancing I do." I said as Koz turned up the music. in the middle of the song everyone was watching. Once the song needed I walked over to Tara. "I win." I told her as Kozik led me to the bar while everyone was clapping. "So when are we gonna see you pole dance?" Tig asked "maybe some other time." I told him as Kip put a shot down for me. I drank it and put it down. "What time is it?" I asked. "7:00" koz told me. "Are we having another party?" I asked.
He nodded as a whole bunch of people walked in the door. "Nice timing. I'm gonna go change." I told them walking sown the hallway and into my room shutting the door behind me. once I changed I walked out and locked the door behind me. I walked back into the bar and scanned the room. I found Kozik with Happy, Clay, Tig, Jax, and Opie I walked over to them and Koz noticed me first so he patted his lap. I walked over to him and laid my head on his lap as the rest of me was on Opie.
"Hope you don't mind Ope." I told him. "Not at all darlin." He said rubbing my leg like he used to. I looked across from me and found Jax glaring at Koz. Jax looked at me and I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head and walked away. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked after him. "Jax." I said no answer. "Jax." No answer. "Asshole!" I yelled he stopped and the hole clubhouse went silent. "What?" He asked. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked pissed. "You and Koz all touchy." He said stepping closer. "Why should you care?" I asked. "Can't you tell I'm in love you!!" He yelled. "Yeah because being with TARA and fucking HER sure as hell shows how much you love me." I told him stepping towards him until our chests were touching. He leaned in and so did I but before our lips touched I felt a slap across my face and heard a bunch if gasps.

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