chapter 13

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encre's pov

when i woke up i felt a warm embrace when i looked next to me fallacy was holding me i blushed a rainbow then calmed down i relaxed and waited for him to wake up (20 mins later) i felt fallacy kissing me on the head the whispered to me " good morning" he then let go of me i smiled and said good morning back and got up i then kissed him on the cheek and walked to my room to get ready for the day

fallacy pov

when encre left my face was full of blush i shock my head and got dressed when i was done i walked to the dinning room and ate breakfast while eating i asked sauve where encre was he said " oh lady encre is outside her and jasper decided they wanted to talk about something but i dont know what" i chuckled as i finished eating when i was done i walked to my study room as i was walking there i saw jasper a encre in the garden encre saw me and waved i waved back and countined walking when i got to my study i sat to do king stuff

my pov

it was a pretty normal day at the castle encre was painting jasper was beating sauve in chess and fallacy was doing king work but that changed when night fell the castle grew very dark while encre was cleaning her art room thunder was in the back ground it was very stormy that night encre locked the door to her art room and she walked to fallacy study to see what he was doing when she got there she knocked lightly then heard " i know its you encre you can come in" she opened the door to see fallacy reading a book she walked to him and asked " what are you reading " fallacy responded with a " oh dont worry about it so what did you want " encre looked confused but she didnt care she then felt like someone was watching her she got a little worried and asked fallacy if he felt the same way fallacy pulled her on his lap and said in a soft tone " its probably your mind playing tricks on you" she thought that was probably it but her gut said something was wrong then heard a blood curtling scream it sounded like fifi she then got up and ran to the dinning room where she found fifi on the floor breathing heavily in frought on her there was the vampire hunter from town she then ran as fast as she could back to fallacys study she met him half way she stopped him telling him to find sauve and jasper and tell them to hid in jaspers room he asked why she told him about the hunter then he shock his head and ran to find them in the mean time she had to get rid of that hunter

encre's pov

i ran to the dinning room to see fifi shaking like crazy i ran to her a hugged her the vampire hunter saw me and grabbed my arm pulling me then said " i knew you were no good hiding vampires your probably a vampire " then they pulled me i kept fighting back pulling and kicking trying to get her off me she then pulled me and pushed me to the floor i saw why she saw jasper he must have gotten lost and was looking for sauve she pulled out a stake i quickly got up and jumped on her telling jasper and fifi to run and hide they did when she finally got me off her she yelled " why are trying to protect those freaks " i yelled " Because their all i have left and i love them!" she looked at me and laughed then said in a dark tone " so your a vampire lover wow i didnt think id be more disappointed in mortal " i had tears in my eyes then i heard it i heard fallacy he said " encre are you ok " the vampire hunter saw him and laughed even more " wow its my lucky day i can kill the vampire king and prince " i got even more anger i got up and ran to fallacy i stood infront of him and said "if you want him you have to go threw me i dont care if im mortal or not i will protect my family no matter what " she smiled and laughed then pulled out another stake and said " ok fine by me if i wont kill you the king will trust me thats a promise"

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