chapter 6

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fallacy pov

i was shocked encre was crying but why i walked closer to her and saw blood when i saw her i froze in fear she had a big scar on her left eye it was bleeding when she saw me she tried to hide it but i picked her and took her to the washroom i use a cloth and cleaned it as i did that i noticed it doesnt look like she did that to herself its like someone was trying to make a point when i was done cleaning it i bandaged it and asked what had happened she looked nervous but she said a few thing something about a vampire trying to kill her i hugged her tho something was off why would she not scream for help and who was this vampire soon i picked her up i carried her to the dinning room where sauve and jasper were sitting waiting for me encre when they saw encre they were shocked they asked what happened but before i could speak i felt encre shaking i could tell she didnt want them to know so i didnt say anything i sat her down to eat as i ate i thought about who that vampire was last i remember not many vampires live near the castle so who are they when i was done i took encre back to her room when i put her down she walked to her window and closed it i was suprised she likes it outside why would she close it but was even more shocking she locked it i didnt question it before i left i kissed her on the head saying good night and left

encre pov

when fallacy left i felt a warm feeling inside i havent felt this feeling in year the last time i felt ike this was when my brother was with me i walked to my door and closed it i sat on my bed thinking about what happened but before i fell asleep i heard a knock on my window i looked at the window it was the vampire who attacked me i was froze in fear but i still got up i walked to my door getting ready to run away but the knew what i was doing they unlocked my window and opened it i was so scared i was ready to run before i could get to my door they grabbed me covering my mouth so i couldnt scream i had to do something anything i spotted a glass vase on the desk near me i kicked the desk hard enough to make the vase fall and make a big bang that vampire didnt care the grabbed a piece of the broken vase and tried to cut my other eye but before they could fallacy opened the door the vampire dropped the vase piece getting ready to run but before they could i punched them in the stomach making them fall to ground fallacy grabbed them bringing them into the light it was girl fallacy looked at them furious he kicked them out and closed the door and hugged me i was still shaking because i thought he wouldnt hear the vase he looked at me saying that i was smart by knocking over the vase he walked me back to my room and locked my window before he left he kissed my head saying good night when he left again i walked to my bed and went to sleep with the thought " do i like fallacy"

a vampires masterpieceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن