chapter 8

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encre pov
i woke up to the noise of someone talking outside of my room i sat up rubbing my eye then i remembered my birthday was i three days i got up and got dressed i walked out of my door and found jasper waiting for me when he heard me he said " oh your awake i was wondering if you could teach me how to paint like you " i smiled and grabbed him and pulled him to the art room i sat him down he was so happy i gave him a easy thing to paint a simple apple i showed him how to mix colors and when he was done it looked amazing i smiled and ran to show sauve and fallacy i walked behind him but he stopped before entering the dinning room he quitely ran back to me dragged me into his room telling me to hide under the bed so idid then the door opened i moved the covers a little to see what was happening a woman walked in he was beautiful but she was a vampire i listen to what they were saying " well if it isnt jasper how have you been my little apple pie " i was a little suprised yet scared " auntie moon nice to see you" i was shocked that fallacy had a sister
next thing i know i was dragged out from under the bed and looked at me like she was going to bite me until fallacy walked in and pulled me to him she said " why do you have a mortal in the caslte" he looked mad and told me to run to my room and not come out until he comes to get me i said yes and ran to my room scared out of my room when i got the i climbed onto the roofi sat there waiting for fallacy to knock on my door i waited a few minute until my door opened and fallacy climbed on the roof and sat next to me he looked a bit tired i sat close to him and soon i felt his head laying on top of mine i blushed rainbow and soon we both fell asleep

3 days later

fallacy pov

encre woke up in a good mood when i asked why she was so happy she said it was her birthday i was suprised then walked away and talked to sauve and decided to throw her a suprise party i sent jasper with encre to her old village to go buy her more art supplies so it woud take them a few hours so we had time to do things i had the perfect gift a beautiful sapphire necklace it was passed down in my family as i wrapped the box with the necklace in it sauve said everything was down so we waited for jasper and encre to come home but after 10 minutes they showed up when they opened the door we all jumped out saying suprise encre started crying we were confussed unti she hugged me saying thank you i hugged back then the maids brought out her cake she looked so happy after we ate cake i gave her the gift she looked so happy i put it on her and she looked amazing she hugged me and i hugged back i picked her and brought her to her room she thanked me for everything then closed her door i felt a warm feeling in my heart was i falling in love with encre


hewo everyone i went on a little break from wattpad hope you didnt miss me to much but there may be some shipping in the near future
so please tell me would you like to read more melodys story and if you said yes then get ready for melodys story 2!!!!
it will be out when this story ends so keep an eye out for it because it will be amazing :0!!!!!!!

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