chapter 3

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encre pov

i was left in a room with fallacy i think thats what the butler saidbut when i looked up i saw the anger in his eyes paniced and got scared he slowly walked to me a backed up to the wall until he pinned me tthe wall he looked at me then my neck i  thought he was going to bite me but then i felt something on my neck it was a collar i screamed " what the heck is this!" " you ran away so this collar will make in impossiblefor you to go far once you step outside of the gates i will know" i looked at him and laughed i opened the door and started walking to the door when i walked outside the gate and started walking home until he appeared infront of my and picked me up and put me over his shoulder he brought me back to his castle where his maid was waiting for him he put me down then told his made to bring me back to my room when i was back in my room the maid left i saw the window it was unlocked i opened it and climbed down for the roof into what seemed to be a garden it was beautiful i walked around until i got to a dark part of the garden i sat behind a tree but soon i fell asleep.

fallacy's pov

after the maid brought the woman to her room i went to check on jasper he was reading a book i told him he did amazing finding the mortal then i went to my room to do some vampire stuff when i was done it had been 2 hours since i saw the mortal she was very quite when i opened her room door she was gone again the window was wide open but she didnt leave the gates so i thought she just did that to make me think she escaped so i told suave to find the mortal and jasper helped out when they reported back to me they told me they couldnt find her so i went to the garden and looked around but i couldnt find her i thought to myself " she wouldnt last a day out here so ill go to bed and find her tomrrow
i headed inside and went to bed

encre pov

i woke up in the middle of the night and tried to get the collar off but then i found a old pocket knife i cut off the collar and threw it in a little pond near me the i ran as fast as i could home when i  got home it was almost sunrise i locked every door and window in my house then went to bed i hoped that would keep them out

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