Memories Of Forgotten Love

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"I'm not going to touch her you can forget it!" Bucky yelled as they threw him in his hands and knees onto the floor. They torchered him for days and brain washed him. They wanted him to things to her that he didnt have the morals for. She was a child compared to him and he wasn't about to take that away from her.

"Listen here and listen well we will put a complet stranger in there with her and you can guess what will happen to her. She will be screaming and crying for you to come help her and I will make you watch and listen to her scream and getting hurt," he smiled as bucky spat out blood.

He couldnt let that happen but he couldnt also do what they wanted him to do. He loved her and it showed in more ways than one. Every time they would take her away he would try to get her back even though it was pointless and he always put a hand on the glass for her. He loved her long blond hair, her smile, even her scales. He didnt really care that she was part fish because she was kind and funny and made him laugh when he was hurting. He was going to get her out of here one way or another and return her to the sea. They opened the door to her cell and tossed him in.

"James?!" She asked worriedly as she went to his side and they locked the door behind him.

"Hey I'm back," he coughed as she huged him.

"I thought you got out of here, james you should have left here and never came back," she said as he looked up at her.

"I fell into a revine Steve thinks I'm dead now and..." He paused as she looked heart broken, "the lab we were in is distroyed but you already knew that didnt you," he sighed as she nodded.

"I was loaded into a big truck also I kind of started that avalance so they couldnt get to you. I panicked when I saw a whole army comming after you and I i didnt mean to but I'm glad your side got away," she smiled as he sat up.

"I dont know what they did to me but I forgot you... I forgot you when steve came and got me I couldnt remember your name or anything until I got captured again and hit really hard," he said as she started to clean the blood off of him.

"Its called brain washing, they did it so you wouldnt come back for me but you would have remembered me eventually. You always say I'm unforgettable," she smiled as he smiled a bit.

"Theres that smile," she said as she got the bed sheet off her bed as started to clean up his face more.

"Grace," he said as he put his hand on hers.

"Yeah," she said as he looked into her deep blue eyes. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever met and wished to god he could get her out and live a life with her.

"They want me to do things to you that I cant do because it will hurt you at first and I know you don't love me and it's not right for me to hurt you in that way..." He paused as she looked at him.

"James I dont know what you are talking about but they will hurt you if you dont do what ever it is that they ask you to do," she said.

"I know but I can't because I really love you in a diffrent way then you think and I cant be your first kiss or anything like that because I want you to be happy even if its not with me," he said as she smiled softly at him and pushed some of his hair back behind his ear.

"I already know what they want from us I heard them outside talking. Plus they already tried putting me with some other guys and I kind of ate them... James you are an amazing person and I'm not just saying that. They could have traped me any guy and they have and I wouldnt ever felt the same way about them as I do for you. I couldn't and I wouldnt mind you being my first because I love you to more then you think I do. I might be part animal but it doesn't mean I dont understand what love is when I feel it," she said as she kissed him. He pulled her closer to him anf she laid him down on the hard floor and started kissing his neck. She got on top of him and sat up and pulled her hospital gown stings and he paused.

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