Memories Of The Past

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Grace had a collar on and was in a white cell as well as a stray jackit and she was just sitting in the corner banging her head lightly trying to forget the pain of being traped again. It hurt her that her best friend broke the promise they made a long time ago and now she was alone again. The last bit of hope she had lived for was gone. No one was going to help her. She just wanted to be left to die now, her once blond hair turned gray and was falling out and her skin was peeling and blood started to run down the open wounds. It happened alot when she was in the lab but when she met James it stoped and he reversed it because she was happy for once in her life.

She didnt feel alone and he made her smile everytime he smiled at her. But now she was getting sick again and this time there was nothing to reverse it. The Avengers and sheild tried to get her to eat but she didn't bother with it and just stayed in the corner silently crying because she was going to die in a cage something that james promised would never happen her. He was going to help her get out and release her to the ocean that he talked about that was so big and vast with so many animals and creatures in it. He was going to have a house by it and visit her as often as he could then the faithful day they discovered she could be on land, the pure shock on everyones face including his made her relize she had to fight hydra to and it wasn't just his job.

But when she came back after tests he was gone and she thought she was going to die but she always remembered him during every test, every torcher method, threw all the times that she couldnt sleep at night because she was afraid of tomorrow, he made her feel safe because of the promises they made. But he lied about all of it. Just like all the hydra agents did. Just one more test and you will be free they said. One more experment then you will be free they said. It was all lies. She thought she had someone that wouldn't lie to her but she was wrong. She caughed a bit and she felt one of teeth getting lose so she spat it out and just stayed in the corner.

Bucky was not aloud near her just because they had a history or false memories of him. Just to make sure he wouldn't be influenced by her appearance then hurt someone he had to watch her I'm the the camera room where she couldn't couldn't see him.

"Shes dying and we cant figure out why, other than shes not eatting," Nick said as she just gave up on life.

It was clear by Wanda's point of view and just by the way she was acting. She was starving and wanda new it but the girl was not even motivated to eat. Starving herself to death was the best option for her in her eyes. Wanda watched her memories and the times James was with her made her so incredibly happy but those memories could have been planted. Bucky might have been the target of her attack if that's what they were using her for.

"She told me I lied to her but I dont even remember her, i just dont don't," he said as seeing her on camera just made him feel so bad and it made the other avengers feel the same way. She was so happy seeing bucky and now she was spitting out her teeth and losing her hair.

"I got one of the hydra members to talk and reveal the base they kept her at and I found a bunch of old tapes," Steve said as Bucky was actually scared to watch them but he knew he had to, to figure out how to make her better again.

1942 hydra base.

Bucky was tossed in a cell after being beaten up by hydra agents and torchered. There was a glass tank next to him and he looked at the hydra agents who were smiling.

"She is going to rip you apart for her next meal," one chuckled as as he looked in the tank to see a girl with gray hair and her skin was pealing.

She looked so sad and heart broken and seeing the bones in the tank she ate people and animals. But she didnt want to do it. Just looking at her he felt like she needed someone so he taped on the glass. She looked up and saw him but then looked away and turned around so he didnt have to look at her.

"Hey come over here for a second please," he said as she looked at him again as he taped on the glass in Morse code and saw he got beaten up by hydra agents.

She remembered Morse code just because they needed her to learn for training purposes. She hated it but now it came in handy. But she was dangerous and even pretty because of how bad they treated her. She was always sad and nothing made her happy. She was rarely talked to and sitting in silence with a bunch of sand you would get bored quite easily. So she taught herself how to write as well which was hard but she mastered it quickly. She slowly went to him and sat down next to him. 

"I'm Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th, what is your name?" He asked as she looked confused at him and grabbed some sand and made it stick to the side of the tank.

"You want to talk to me even though I'm suposed to kill you tomorrow?" She asked.

"Well its better then being alone and I really don't think you wanted to hurt anyone, they made you didnt they?" He asked as she nodded weakly.

"It was that or they suffer more, I'm just an experment and replaceable but I dont think plain humans are replaceable," she wrote in the sand.

"Hey your not just an experment, your a person to that has feelings and can think, you are just as human as I am. So what's your name?" He asked as she moved a bit higher and showed her tattoo of a two on her sholder.

"Two? How about Grace instead since you seem like a graceful swimmer," he smiled as she smiled a bit.

Over the corse of just a single week her skin was completly healed and her once gray hair was bleach blond and the teeth she lost grew back just because she had someone to talk to. They talked for hours every day and he made her laugh and smile again. She even started glowing because of how happy she was. They slept next to each other even though they were devided by the glass and bars of steal he befriended the creature that was suposed to end his life and the avengers couldnt belive that she went from almost dead to a an electric ball of joy that was swiming better and was swiming so fast they could barly keep there eyes on her except for the glowing out line she radiated off. They had more tapes but it only went up to three months and thats when Steve saved him and he never saw Grace again. 

"Oh no," wanda said softly relizing hydra whiped the memory of her completly before Steve got him out of there to prevent him from comming back and getting her.

"No wonder she thought you were dead," tony said as he looked at the camera and saw her spitting out another tooth. Bucky quickly went to her cell and opened the door.

"Dont bother about setting me free, I don't care anymore, you can even kill me in the worst possible way you can think of because I give up. I dont want to fight any more and honestly I have nothing to live for so torcuring is a lot more fun to watch them someone starving to death trust me in that hydra agents said it," She said as he got out his knife and cut the jackit off and deactivated the collar and took it off of her.

"I am really sorry you have got to belive that," bucky said as she looked at the wall.

"Why should I? You wouldnt be the first person to lie to me and in all honestly I really don't care so you can kill me if you want. I'm to weak to really fight back so you can do what ever you want to me," she said as bucky touched her arm but a thin layer of skin came off. He turned her around and huged her.

"Hydra whiped my memory of you and then my best friend saved me from hydra and we were fighting hydra but I fell and he couldn't save me. I fell thousands of feet and I should have died but I didnt and and the Russians did experments on me and made me do horrable things to people. In so so sorry I forgot you I didnt mean to, if I knew who you were I sooner or later I would have came back for you because no one deserves that kind of life, not even a pure bread experment. You have always been a person to me and nothing will change my mind on that," he said as she huged him back.

"I'm sorry they did that to you James I tried so hard to figure out what they did to you when they took me but they said they moved you and maybe killed you, I really wanted to go find you," she said as he huged her.

"Dont worry about that, we are here now right?" He asked as she smiled and he kept hugging her and he noticed her gray hair started to to turn blond again and her hair started grow back already.

"Wow would you look at that," Nat said as her gray hair was gone and her flanking skin completly fell off and leaving a new layer.

"Thats really gross," Pietro informed.

"Well her kind does that so just suck it up at least he is making her happy again," wanda said with a smile on her face.

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