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After Grace's attempt to end her life to protect the avengers from what ever Hydra did to her. She was restrained and the avengers were confused on more levels then one becuse there were three personalities were in her body. Wanda was trying to sort threw her memories but going threw 70 years of memories that were jumbled up and some that were blurred was hard. But she did determine the reason why she tried to kill herself was because this happened before and she nearly killed Bucky because hydra starved her for weeks. But instead of killing him she was able to severely harm herself to protect him from getting eaten alive. Either way this was a messed up and confusing on many levels.

"Find anything that can help?" Tony asked Wanda.

"Well i can tell you hydra did a half ass job erasing her memories. There are three Graces. The first one that is innocent, the second knows how to fight and kill, and the third one is a monster that eats people and can't control herself because she was trained that way. The reason why she tried to kill herself was because the third one almost came out and killed Bucky. It happened before but alot more server so she tried protecting us from herself," wanda informed.

"Great she has a multiple persnalaty disorder," tony sighed.

"Tony her memories are every where she could get trigger by anything or by anyone. Leaving her alone just for that short amount of time nearly costed our lives. I think we need sheild to take her away. We cant help her," wanda added.

"I'm not letting you send her away," bucky said as he looked at Grace and then saw the restraints.

"Bucky we cant help her there are three Graces! One that got triggered by seeing you again another one by gun shots and another one that was left alone in a cell for less then five minutes. That one tried to kill us because she was trained to kill you!" Wanda nearly yelled.

"But she didnt!" He yelled.

"Because she chose to kill herself over you! We need to figure out away to bring all three of them together but the only thing they have in common is you, the tapes steve has been watching are as choppy as her memories. Someone didnt want us to see what they did to her or to you when you two were together. If we find out what happened then maybe we can fix this but right now we cant," Tony put in.

"It doesnt matter! We cant just send her away! Look i made a bad call by locking her up it was my fault for doing this to her, the least we can do is try to help her be normal," he said.

"Are not listening to them?" Clint asked.

"She tried to eat you! Luckly she had enough common sence to slit her own throat before killing you other wise you would be dead!" Wanda nearly yelled.

"Common sence?! Is that what you call it? She didnt want to hurt anyone! I'm not giving up on her!" He yelled.

"Um guys I think I found something!" Steve yelled he paused one of the tapes.

They headed to Steve and gathered around him.

"Okay so some of the tapes acully have two sides to them and this one for taped over but you can kind of see it I think," Steve said as he played it. It was kind of blury but the one thing for sure was that it was Bucky and grace together. They were alone together where they froze projects they were kissing and things got a little heated and steve got uncofterble quickly and fast forwared it.

"Well good job Bucky" Clint said as they were all shocked.

"You slept with her?!" Wanda gasped.

"I dont fucking remember a damb thing alright!" He protested as they finished and she got dressed again and they were kissing each other loveingly. But then Bucky grabbed a needle from off the table as she walked away and then she turned around and she motioned him to come to her. The sad look on his face said it all but she smiled at him and huged him tightly and he looked at the needle and quickly injected her with it. She stummbled a bit before passing out and he dropped the needle to catch her. He picked her up and put her in one of the chambers and he looked devastated. He closed the door and broke the handle on the door sealing her inside. He kissed his hand and put it on the door and broke then broke the control pannel. The sirens went off saying something was wrong and he fell to his knees and started crying as the container froze up but for certain was going to kill her. Hydra agents came in and tried to pry the door open but they couldn't do it so they tried breaking the glass but that to wasnt working. Bucky tried to fight them off but they quickly over powered him and dragged him away as other hydra agents tried saving there project. Then it cut off to them in bed together in a barick.

"You knew...." Steve said quietly. The video kept playing as bucky woke up next to her and pulled her close to his chest and started kissing her neck waking her up. She smiled tiredly as he got on top of her and started to kiss her and touch her body. Which made Steve quickly shut the tap off and take the tap out and hold it by a corner.

"Steve seriously?  It's not like they did it on that tape your holding," wanda informed.

"Does it matter it not for us alright! I cant watch my best friend so stuff like that its not okay!" He protested.

"Well its safe to say you liked her enough to sleep with her," tony informed.

"Look okay i don't remember any of that! Do think this is really a joke Tony?! She has split personalities and there is nothing that can fix that besides meds that i would rather her not be on because she needs to know the truth!" He growled.

"The truth is that she is here to kill you and there is nothing you can do to stop her," a man said as they all looked and saw an army of men in armer and guns.

"She would rather die than kill any of us," nat informed.

"Well there is always a way," he smerked as the men scattered to find Grace. They were all in armed and Bucky was beyond worried about Grace.

"You have done enough!" Bucky hissed as some of the guys looking around found her room and started to undo the straps and started to take off her collar.

"All she needs is to smell your blood," he smerked as he shot Bucky in his arm and smerked.

"Shit!" Bucky hissed as he put his hand on his wound. Grace woke up smelling his blood and looked at the guards.

"She will never be able to tell who you are ever again. Her human side will disaper and nothing will stop her from ripping you apart, not this time," he smiled as guards started screaming.

Grace came out of her room covered in blood and a guard that tried running from her quickly got snached by her and she ripped his chest open and took a bite out if his throat.

"Oh no," wanda said as blood dripped from her mouth and her long claws.

"Kill her!" The man yelled as she picked up the mans side arms and quickly took out seven men. The avengers quickly started to take out the men. Grace quickly was doing head shot after head shot. Then when all the men were dead she smiled.

"Hey handsome did you miss me?" She asked as she droped the guns.

"Grace?" Steve asked.

"Yes steve? Oh the blood yeah sorry about that, i do love the taste of hydra blood. You guys really need to start carring wepons on you," she smiled as everyone was confused.

"What just happened, which grace are you?" Clint asked.

"Which Grace? Oh right i forgot I did try to kill all of you. The middle Grace and I'm planning on staying. Now if you excuse me I'm going get rid of these bodies before peter sees them," she smiled.

"This is getting crazy," steve said seeing Grace dragging a body and quickly quickly ripping there limbs off and throwing them away in a trash bag.

"Dear god she is a monster," tony said as she ripped a guys head off but it didnt faze her at all.

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