The Dreaded Day

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"Good morning guys!" Pete said cheerfully, walking into My Chemical Romance's room.  "Uh, guys?"

Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray all were still in bed, and had the covers pulled over their heads.

"What--I'm not even gonna ask," Pete said, shaking his head. 

Gerard poked his head out of the sheets.  "March 22..." he whispered eerily, then disappeared back under the blanket.

"Its bad luck for us, so we're not getting out of bed," Frank added, poking his head in and out just as Gerard had done.

"Come on, you can't stay in bed forever," Pete said.  He flipped the blanket backward, exposing them.  This caused them to go into a Panic! and start screaming.  Pete yelped and stumbled backward as Gerard pulled the blanket back over them.  "Bad luck!" he told Pete.  "Very bad luck..."

Pete sighed.  What was he supposed to do now? Suddenly, an idea struck him.  He dashed into Fall Out Boy's room and grabbed one of Patrick's jackets.  Next, he popped into Brendon's room and "borrowed" one of his dogs (wasn't it Penny, the Boston Terrier? He couldn't remember). 

All I need now is a cupcake and a unicorn.  Where am I supposed to find THAT?  Pete headed outside, hoping for inspiration.

The house across the street caught his eye.  There was a kid's birthday party going on! Pete decided to "borrow" a cupcake--the same way he "borrowed" Penny--and nonchalantly raced inside.  

Now... the unicorn.  Pete could only see two options, and neither were very pleasant.  He could find a white horse and put a fake horn on its head, or...

Pete wentzed ;) into MCR's room again, this time carrying Penny under his arm, holding a cupcake, and with a black leather jacket tied around his waist.  "Guys!" he said.  "I have some gifts!"

Gerard poked his head out from under the blanket, as hesitant as an alien.  "What are you... oh,"  Gerard nodded, realizing what Pete was doing.  His eyes landed on the jacket. "Is that a jacket?" he grinned.  "I'M A JACKET SLUT!!" Gee hopped out of bed eagerly, and Pete, setting Penny and the cupcake down, untied the jacket from his waist and handed it to Gerard. 

Frank and Ray, who noticed the dog and the cupcake, immediately grabbed their gifts as well.  Frank hugged Penny long enough that if Brendon had been there, he would've thought Frank was going to steal Penny for himself! Ray happily smashed the cupcake onto his hand and said, "I JUST STUCK MY HAND IN A CUPCAKE!!".  Finally, Mikey emerged.  He saw Pete--and his face lit up, a rare show of emotion.  "A UNICORN!!"

That's right, folks--Pete ACTUALLY dressed up as a unicorn.  If he can rock bunny ears and still look so emo, why not rock a full-blown unicorn onesie? Why not.  Mikey jumped out of bed and hugged Pete.  "I TOLD you guys they were real!!" he cheered.  Pete grinned at the affection... how he'd missed his former boyfriend.  It'd been, what, 15 years?

"Um, Mikey, that's not--" Frank started to say, but Gerard held up a finger, and whispered, "Don't ruin it."

Just then, Brendon, Patrick, Andy, and Joe appeared outside the door.  "PENNY! There you are!!" Brendon cheered, scooping his dog up.  "Way to ruin the moment, Brendon," Pete said sarcastically.  "Um, Pete... why are you dressed as a unicorn?" Patrick asked, as Andy and Joe chuckled.  Pete shrugged.  "Long story." "We've got plenty of time to hear it," Patrick replied, grinning.

Hope you guys enjoyed that! I kinda wrote off the top of my head, so its slightly cringy, but I kept their genders normal for this one--its funnier that way. :)

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