Walking Into Love (Coinpin)

Start from the beginning

"Yup! I'll teleport all of you somewhere in the woods. Your objective is to get all of your team members to the camp." Four snickered. "Dead or alive," he mumbled under his breath.

".. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- --..-- / .-- .... .- - / .-- .- ... / - .... .- - / .-.. .- ... - / .--. .- .-. - ..--.."

"Last team to get to the camp fails the assignment. Go!"

Four snapped his fingers, and the teams were whisked into the secluded forest without a trace.


"Okay, Coiny," he thought. "Breathe. Just breathe. You're in the middle of the woods, none of you have any idea where you are, nobody can hear you, and you're alone with seven teenage girls. Oh, my mint, I hope the guys don't get mad at me." Coiny's team was surrounded by several tall trees, with no dirt path in sight.

"Okay, everybody!" Foldy clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "We need to find the camp, wherever it is. Anyone have any ideas?" Teardrop's face lit up and she pointed to a tree. "Oh! Good idea, Teardrop!"

Pin looked at all the trees around them. "But...for some reason, these trees have silky smooth bark. We'll never be able to climb them!"

"I think I have an idea," Basketball said. She walked up to a tree, crouched next to it, pressed her ear to the trunk, knocked it a few times, and punched a hole in it.

"WHAT THE—" they all screamed.

"I hate environmental violence!" Fanny yelled. "Basketball, what was that for?!"

Basketball paid no attention to her and punched another hole slightly up and to the left of the first one. She made two more holes significantly higher than the first two and placed her hands in the upper holes and her feet in the lower ones. She punched a few more holes in the tree trunk and slowly made her way up the tree.

"Whoa!" Pin said. "She's punching holes in the tree!"

"Holy..." Coiny breathed. "She's gotta be super strong to do something like that! That's so cool!"

Five minutes and several punches later, Basketball managed to break the tree line. She stuck her head over the top of the canopy and looked around. "Guys!" she called out. "I think I see a hole in the tree line over there!" She pointed to a clearing with small dots—dots that Basketball presumed to be buildings—and cheered, not that the others could see her. "I'm coming down!" Basketball jumped off the tree and landed on the grass gracefully, earning a standing ovation from the others.

"That was amazing, Basketball!" Coiny said. "Dang, you're strong."

"Yeah," Pin thought. "She is pretty strong. Way stronger than me."

"Thanks. I try," she replied. "We need to go that way." Basketball pointed in the direction of the clearing and started walking. "Come on, guys!" She became confused when the others just stood there. "What?"

"Basketball..." Leafy pointed to her. "Your hand."

"Huh?" Basketball held up her right hand and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a six-inch splinter sticking out of it. "This little thing? Pfff." She plucked it out with ease and threw it by the wayside, only for her hand to start bleeding unusually plentifully. "Oh. That's a bit of a problem. Um...I know!" Basketball ripped off her right sleeve, exposing her shoulder, and wrapped it around her hand. "Problem solved. Now, let's go!"

The group followed Basketball through the forest, and soon enough, they came to a heavily beaten, yet distinguishable dirt path. A worn sign about a hundred feet down the path read "Camp" with an arrow.

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