That was his biggest fear! An insecure child like him, huh, I wish I didn't say that to him! I told him that you won't take him. He said that he saw love in your eyes...but little did he know, those eyes...were not looking at him...but Caren inside him" she stopped and looked at me all serious then she laughed.

"So we made a bet! If you reject him, he would have to punch Miles on the face! Ah, I wanted to see that! If you take him... I will take the rock and football gal look and go confess my love!" She said and laughed out loud at that.

I was still traumatized to laugh! She knew I was going to reject him.... That's why she wasn't that disappointed! Why did she has so little faith in me..

"Why long face? I did confess my love you see, but the funny part is, I got rejected too! Hahahaha, and then I got punched in the face by her boyfriend! Hahaha, what a turn of events! I experienced both of things he should have!" She said and trailed into painful laughter.

I opened my mouth to say something but stopped when she suddenly stood up. She turned to look at me.

"Caleb, I know now you think so little of me, but it was your decision to make! Seeing as you didn't choose him, or you could have save both, you really didn't love him! The little things that you thought it was love, it wasn't! You saw Caren whenever you looked at my boi, that's when you confused your heart!

Anyways, it's cliche that a 17 years old gal is lecturing a 21 years old boy, hahahaha! I will leave you to rest, see you!" She said and took off before I said anything.

That was the biggest slap in my entire life.

My mental health broke down the moment she closed that door. I was just shook to say or do anything. Tears went down my eyes and my heart clenched as the seconds lost.

I saw Caren in his eyes? That's why I thought I loved him so much? What bullshit?

What do you mean 'what bullshit'? That was the precisely said piece of your heart string! What a douchebag!

"Carl! Carlos, did you know too?"

No, I didn't know! We have different hearts you see! You may have felt obliged  to love Alec, but I loved Alex! And I unconditionally loved Alec too! Sigh! What you have done, is beyond heartbreaking! It's heart murdering!

I didn't want to say things because I don't have any other carrier untill me and Alex mated, but you are dipshit fuck! You know that? I really hate you and I wished the moon goddess could have kept another option of changing carriers!

Sigh! I will go talk to Carens wolf, so you better meet her soon before the wedding!

And like that he remained quiet.

My eyes were going out of their own sockets. I was crying so hard feeling so dark and dirty. I don't know how much I cried but the moment I woke up I was in suit.

"Huh? What's going on?" I yelled and sat abruptly. A voice of shattering porcelain made me to look beside me and there was Marie gathering the shattered pieces of a case.

"What do you mean 'what is going on?' you are the groom that has overslept on your wedding day! That's what IS going on!" She said and finished gathering the pieces.

She turned to me having her full smile. I flinched, what's going on? Why is she smiling at me like that?

"C'mon, let's go! Good thing you decided to sleep wearing your suit! You didn't wet on it did you?" She said laughing.

Sleeping while wearing suit? I don't remember that!

I walked to the front yard where people were already gathered. What's wrong with people? It seems like a normal Christian wedding. I walked down the aisle to the place where the priest was standing smiling.

Weren't we getting a female priestess? Maybe the plane really had problems. I stood beside the priest who gave me a courtesy nod. I smiled and nodded back.

"Now enter the Luna!" I looked at the end of the aisle expecting how Caren would look beautiful in the white dress. A smile happened in my lips. But then, the person who walked here WAS Caren....but not in white dress...

She was walking hand to hand with another person who wore beautiful white tuxedo! Alec!

I had panic attack!

Why was Caren walking him down the aisle? And she was smiling! The Luna..wasn't Caren but Alec?

I stood there in shock. My mouth was open and I didn't have words. Caren and Alec stood in front of me. Alec looked at my reaction and looked down shyly. Caren chuckled.

"We know you are mesmerized by his beauty but close that mouth!" She said giving me his hand. I took the hand but.. it felt..

"Why? You didn't want the Luna to be me?" I looked up as the shy Alec was gone totally. There was sassy and badboy Alec. He smirked.

"Gaah! I'm still surprised you were able to call me in this kind of place! How dare you?"Alec said and slapped me hard, but it didn't hurt! Just like I felt nothing when hold his hand.

It's a dream! It's all a dream!

I looked up and met fierce and burning eyes of Alec! My eyes started to water..

"Don't cry on me you hypocrite! Reflect yourself first!" He said turning his back on me.

No, no!

"Alec! Alec! Please, Alec!"

I suddenly woke up! I was breathing heavily... Why did I have that dream!? What's going on?

"Dreaming about Alec on your wedding morning! Khaa, you are disgusting! Wake up, your time is up!" I heard Marie's voice.

I looked beside me and there stood Marieth the coldest look in her eyes. I gulped.

That's right! This is reality!


"You have one hour before the wedding!" She said and slammed the door behind her. I sighed and ruffled my hair.. that dream, what was it suppose to mean!?

Authors note
Hello lovelies! *Intense hand wave*

Hope you are all good! I miss you so much but school work is above me, since today I got a time for this, I will write few chapters, please check them out😊😊😊

See you then!


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